The easy discourse has flooded to the most precarious minds. Everything is confused in that pagan universe of cheap and slogan argumentary to one hundred, where the reality annoying and the truth is canceled, replaced by official commission slogans and boring consensus. Now, the censor dictatorship calls you racist for questioning that by the borders between anyone who excuses a reason, whether real or not, and that the laws and public order are subject to the political needs of a blackmail government by the real xenophobia and that, however, the word racism of the mouth is not removed every time it summons the press. Today, demanding legal immigration, orderly and with the ability to contribute to the common coexistence is to be an intolerant, while silencing the violations, abuses and aggressions with a white weapon of those who live in our streets represents the long -awaited progress that our elites have been claiming.
The left with the Menas is racism. Pure racism. Because they use them to generate the social insecurity they need to feed their discourse on the increase in ultra -right – the real and the invented – in Spain and Europe. There is no coordinated cast, nor a solution in sight, the result of a sectarian and incoherent policy, based on impulses and argumentary to propaganda, which is the only thing that moves this autocratic government and already undressing their hosts sorry, which defend immigration, but they are the first to refuse to welcome immigrants in their homes, nor do they want their children to frequently clans and ghettos. There is no decent strategy or solid studies that tell us how much immigration Spain requires and why the migratory flow of minors who reach our coasts and are released through the streets of the country will not stop unless a policy of firmness and containment is followed, as they did in Australia or Italy, without going any further.
Reality annoyed those who think with the bandage and prejudice in the wallet. However, you still have to count it. The majority of migration that arrives in Spain in recent years, especially, and above all, the Maghreb, is not formed or prepared to assume short and medium term jobs, do not quote how the system requires for its future sustainability, but, on the contrary, receive social benefits everywhere, and also, due to their cultural and social origin, they star in continuous episodes of institutional violence (recruited in centers) or street Own police confirms the impotence that he feels to see how those who have committed crimes or minor crimes are released with an impunity of poor or developing countries, which is where Spain is directed without remission.
The question is: Who benefits all this? Who wins with the uncontrolled arrival of immigrants, mostly young or minor, all men, from cultures where dominance over women and homosexuals are exercised are talled or hung on public roads? Why is everything summarized to the only speech of “we are obliged by international law to host them” and to allocate funds sine Die to a problem that is not wanted to solve? Why does palpable evidence deny, which explains that putting water cubes does not fix the dripping pipe, the same reality that tells us that you cannot welcome a thousand immigrants in your home, no matter how much your heart is full of solidarity?
No child should be taken from his parents. But even less, you must exile your home to satisfy the business of some gangsters and the ideological tranquility of complicit politicians with their misfortune. The minors who arrive in Spain do so in uncertainty conditions, accustomed to laws and customs that do not represent the values in which Spanish society has been educated. The data does not deceive: more than a third of the criminal acts committed in Spain in the last decade have as protagonists Menas, children (and not so children) from the Maghreb. And those responsible are the same who applauded in Congress a guy who said that in Spain there would be no more than one or two infected by the COVID. The sinister reality that progressive and complexed Spain does not want to see is a conviction for future generations. Without clear and decisive policy that leads us to conclude that the problem is at the origin, the message to the mafias and its taxi drivers will continue to be the same: as long as the tap is not cut, the drop will continue to arrive and flood social coexistence. Because saying “everyone who arrives illegally will be returned” is too racist, of course, even if reasonable and politically sensible. What country!