Greens boss Brantner blames CDU boss for women

“Limited to supposedly female topics”

Minister in the Merz cabinet? Greens boss sees black

22.03.2025 – 5:06 p.m.Reading time: 1 min.

Franziska Brantner (L): She does not believe in many ministers in Friedrich Merz's cabinet.Enlarge the picture

Franziska Brantner (L): She does not believe in many ministers in Friedrich Merz’s cabinet. (Source: Imago)

The Greens boss warns of a step backwards among women in the CDU under Merz. She regrets a “bloodletting” strong and clever women.

The coalitioners in SPE have not yet decided on ministerial posts, but the Greens chairman, Franziska Brantner, considers that the CDU women will be difficult. With a view to the criticism of the CDU MPs, Mechthild Heil, who as an expert in construction and living, according to an ARD report, had no desire to participate in the coalition negotiations on family policy, Brantner said: “It is significant that Ms. Heil was sold as a proven building politician to the family area.”

Such decisions showed from a “understanding of women in politics that has long been overcome, which limits women to supposedly female topics” instead of using their strengths where they are available.

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At the CDU, whose chairman Friedrich Merz has been since January 2022, a bloodletting of strong and clever women was noticeable before the Bundestag election, said Brantner of the German Press Agency. “Too many have no longer seen their future in the Bundestag.” The CDU women who were no longer competed in the election on February 23 include Bundestag Vice President Yvonne Magwas, Nadine Schön and Katja Leikert.

Former Federal Minister of Agriculture Julia Klöckner (CDU) is to be elected President in the constituent meeting of Parliament on Tuesday. Further personal details are still unclear. Interior and legal politician Andrea Lindholz (CSU) is under discussion as the possible vice president of the Bundestag. Her party colleague Dorothee Bär could possibly occupy a post in the new cabinet.

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Emma Vossen Emma, an expert in Roblox and a writer for INN News Codes, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Media, specializing in advertising. Her experience includes working with several startups and an advertising agency. To reach out, drop an email to Emma at