Bénédicte de Cacqueray will lead the outgoing mayor’s list to the 2026 municipal elections in Chantilly

Bénédicte de Cacqueray (in the center) would see herself succeeding her friend Isabelle Wojtowiez, the current mayor of Chantilly. – Photo: Oise weekly.

“It is with a deep commitment and a sincere passion for Whipped cream that I tell you today my decision to be candidate to municipal elections from March 2026. ” It is by these words that Bénédicte de Cacqueraythe current second assistant of the mayor of Chantilly, Isabelle wojtowiezbegins his letter for Cantilian. During distribution in all the mailboxes of the city, this document is already a lot of talk in the city of the horse. And for good reason: it is not necessarily she that we expected at the top of the list …

She has been working for 11 years alongside the mayor

“Our current mayor, Isabelle Wojtowiez did not wish to present herself for a new mandate for the reasons she has already exhibited,” replied on this Bénédicte de Cacqueray subject. I have been working by her side for eleven years and thank her for giving me her confidence when she became mayor. Also, after a time of reflection, and with its support, I chose to continue and adapt the projects committed. I would like to offer the cantilians a renewed and enthusiastic vision of Chantilly, accompanied by a team voluntary,, experienced And motivated. “

Bénédicte de Cacqueray has lived in Chantilly for over twenty years. “My children grew up and flourished here,” she says. They attended maternal assistants and Cantilian schools in Lefébure, Singing rooster, Tilleuls and Paul Cézanne; They were part of many associations: tennis, rugby, gymnastics, Ménestrel choir, cultural center. We thus integrated into our city, and we are deeply attached to it. ”

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She has already exercised several delegations

The candidate, who declared herself just a year of the 2026 municipal elections, became deputy mayor in 2014, first alongside Eric Woerth and subsequently with Isabelle Wojtowiez. “The delegations that I exercised made me support and support the key sector of trade and economic development, those of early childhood and family,” she recalls. For almost five years, I have been in charge of the social dimension of city policy. But my delegation also includes the essential problems of housing and care path. ”

“Trained in law and economic sciences, experienced in political relationship as parliamentary assistant, I resumed a professional activity as a project manager in urban redevelopment and ecological transition in a Val d’Oise community close to Chantilly, she continued. It is an important experience in conducting structuring projects for the coming years, taking into account a constrained budgetary context. ”

An elected representative of the most present in the field

Since the start of her mandates, Bénédicte de Cacqueray has been most present in the field. “This proximity is a strong axis that I believe possible to further strengthen by a dynamic of neighborhood projects, active solidarity, a benevolent opening to the expectations of youth and attention to the life of associations,” she says. With audacity and caution, we will all make the jewel that we have received and maintained, a more modern, more sustainable, more inclusive, creative, innovative, inspiring and actress of its future. ”

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The deputy mayor who intends to become mayor believes that he is lucky “to live in a city known worldwide, by his history, his castlehis foresther hippodromebut also by his renown deserved in the city where life is good, nestled in a green setting at the gates of Paris. ”

Realism, benevolence and responsibility

Regarding its program, you will still have to wait somewhat. “The time has not yet come to present a complete and detailed program to you,” says the elected official. I first wish to listen to the cantilians, work with them and with the team they are constituting, to choose our priorities and translate them concretely. Others, as of tomorrow, may promise the moon knowing that they cannot afford to go. This is not my method. I will practice a policy of listening, conviction, transparency and truth and I will arbitrate with realism, benevolence and responsibility. ”

Bénédicte de Cacqueray knows that she can rely on healthy finances, municipal services attached to the well-being of each citizen or visitor in Chantilly, a high-level municipal and associative cultural center or quality structuring equipment, an inspiring heritage environment that allows international influence …

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With a good part of the current municipal council

It can also rely on a good part of the current municipal council. This Saturday, March 22, Bénédicte de Cacqueray was on the Chantilly market with several of these future running mate, among which we were able to recognize Nicole Vacher, for example. But all the elected officials of the majority will not follow it. Began Florence Woerththe assistant to financeswho would be mounting his own list with, too, some elected officials from the current majority … The coming weeks and months could prove to be somewhat tense within the Cantilian executive …

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Emma Vossen Emma, an expert in Roblox and a writer for INN News Codes, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Media, specializing in advertising. Her experience includes working with several startups and an advertising agency. To reach out, drop an email to Emma at emma.vossen@indianetworknews.com.