The Yeahnah first hits the premiere of the Mediterranean Cup

The Swiss Yeahnaah team is the first leader of the VIII Mediterranean Cup, which today has lived a brilliant premiere in Puerto Portals with a total of 19 Dragon class vessels on behalf of seven countries on the starting line. Participants have been able to complete the planned program of two sleeves Thanks to the perseverance of the Regatta Committeethat has had enough patience to wait for the ideal conditions to compete.

Shortly after noon, the first manga has begun, in which a northeast wind has blown with about 11 knots of intensity. On this first route, 1.1 miles away, the Swiss Yeahnah, of Jan Eckerthas achieved victory, followed by the Danish Monick, from David Holm, and from the Austrian basic logic, of Werner Deuring.

At the end of the first partial, the conditions have changed with a fall in the intensity and a role of 20 degrees, so The committee has decreed a double postponement in the water. The fleet has had to wait until 4:15 p.m., at which time the second manga has been given with a southeast wind of about 10 knots of intensity.

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The Yeahnah has once again been the fastest in this second test, a journey of the barlovento/leeward type of a mile away. Danish Monick has also repeated in the second positionwhile the third has been occupied by the German Ingrid, by Dirk Pramann.

At the end of this first day of the VIII Mediterranean Cup, the REAHNAH crew, formed by Jan Eckert, Torvar Miresky and Frederico Melo, heads the provisional classification with two points ahead of the Monick, which is second, and with six on the Ingrid, which has been in the third place.

Tomorrow the second day of this competition will be played, which Put the brooch to the dragon class season in Puerto Portals. Two more regattas are scheduled that will be played from 11.00. In the Social Acts section, tomorrow a dinner will also be held with all the participants in the Trophous delivery of the VIII Port Portals Dragon Winter Series, a competition held in the months of November, December, January and February, in which the Portuguese boat Easy was the winner.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at