The notice of experts about the physical change of Paola Olmedo who makes the alarms jump

Paola Olmedo’s surgical intervention, For former wife of José María Almoguera and a former daughter -in -law of Carmen Borrego, has generated a great. Its radical facial transformation has made many just recognize it, which has led experts to analyze the possible psychological and emotional implications of such a drastic change. Although the operation was motivated by medical and non -aesthetic reasons, the impact on its identity and its environment has been significant.

The businesswoman has undergone a complex surgical intervention of more than six hours, carried out in Social Security. As she explained, this operation was essential to treat a series of medical problems that affected her audition, throat and ear. However, the procedure was more extensive than expected, since surgeons decided to modify several areas of their face to guarantee a better result.

“They have had to retouch everything,” Paola confesses in his last intervention, highlighting that Even his nose had to be intervened because “the surgeon told me it was rare.” This type of unplanned modifications can generate a strong emotional impact on patients, who must face a new image with which they do not always identify immediately.

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The expert notice

One of the most complex aspects of reconstructive surgeries is the process of acceptance of the new image. For many people, change is deeper than a simple aesthetic modification. Represents a transformation of your visual identity and In some cases it can generate self -esteem and anxiety crisis.

Paola Olmedo, aestheticist Paola Olmedo, Paola Olmedo Operation,
Paola Olmedo, aestheticist Paola Olmedo, Paola Olmedo Operation, Paola Olmedo showing her new image. (Photo: ‘afternoon’)

In the case of Paola Olmedothe first time he was reflected in a mirror experienced a feeling of rejection towards his own image. Although he acknowledges that he is in an adaptation and learning process to like it again, this transition period can be complicated. Psychologist Belén Sánchez, expert in self -esteem and cosmetic surgeryHe points out that many people believe that a radical physical transformation will bring immediate happiness, but the reality is more complex. «The brain needs time to adapt to the new image. In some cases, self -esteem remains low, which generates frustration and doubts about the decision taken, ”explains the specialist in The reason.

Paola Olmedo’s son did not recognize her

Beyond the effect on his own perception, Paola Olmedo’s change has also had consequences in his family environment. One of the most difficult moments was when his son reacted to see her for the first time after surgery. The difficulty in communicating and temporary paralysis in some areas of his face They have added an additional challenge in their recovery, preventing even expressing affection in the usual way.

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This case He puts on the table a recurring debate on beauty standards imposed by society and the role played by the media and social networks in the perception of personal image. The doctor Belén Sánchez explains that many people, especially those with low self -esteem, resort to cosmetic surgery as a way to feel accepted or valued.

Social networks have intensified this pressure by presenting idealized beauty images that, in most cases, are digitally retouched. This has led to an increase in the demand for aesthetic proceduresespecially among the youngest, who seek to resemble the unreal standards they consume daily on the Internet.

When a person experiences a transformation as radical as Olmedo’s, the adaptation process not only involves their own acceptance, but also the way others perceive it. «The environment plays a fundamental role in emotional recovery of those who have gone through an aesthetic change of great magnitude. The reactions of others can influence both positively and negatively The self -esteem of the person», Experts explain in this area.

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Can you lose your identity?

In some cases, Patients may experience a sense of identity lossfeeling that they are no longer the same person as before. This phenomenon can lead to anxiety, depression or a constant search for new changes to achieve an image with which they feel comfortable. In this sense, Experts recommend a psychological accompaniment before and after of such an intervention, to help manage emotions and avoid possible adverse effects on mental health.

Despite the difficulties he has faced in his recovery process, Paola Olmedo is optimistic and determined to adapt to his new image. Meanwhile, society continues to carefully observe this case and some Telecinco programs have gone to work to know how to help José María Almoguera’s ex. For example, in Party They have revealed that the DNI will have to change because their new identity is completely different and could have long -term problems.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at