On August 24, 2024, tensions ran high as the episode of BhagyaLakshmi unfolded with a significant twist. The episode began with Rano questioning Lakshmi about her recent actions. Rano wanted to know why Lakshmi had apologized to someone, which seemed to trouble her. Lakshmi, caught in her thoughts, confessed that when she had lifted a bag earlier, it felt as if there was a gun inside. This suspicion unnerved her, but Rano dismissed Lakshmi’s fears, urging her not to overthink and to focus on taking her to meet the Chief Minister, Sulochana. Lakshmi reluctantly agreed.
Meanwhile, two terrorists entered an elevator, ignoring Mishraji’s orders to halt it. Inside the elevator, they tampered with the fan, hiding a gun on top before discreetly exiting. Mishraji, unaware of their actions, later entered the same elevator.
In another part of the story, Neelam confided in Aanchal about her complicated relationship with Virendra. Neelam revealed that she never intended to marry Virendra; it was a decision driven by their father’s wishes. She admitted they were far from the ideal couple, and a significant mistake on Virendra’s part further strained their relationship. However, Neelam’s feelings changed when Virendra fell into a coma, making her realize his importance in her life, though she was reluctant to discuss him further.
Harleen also shared her concerns about Virendra with Karishma, who offered her comfort during this emotional conversation.
The story took a tense turn when Lakshmi and Rano arrived at CM Sulochana’s residence. As they entered, they were startled when the security pointed guns at them. Recognizing Lakshmi, Ojas, one of the security personnel, lowered his weapon and allowed them to meet CM Sulochana. The Chief Minister greeted them warmly but was visibly worried. She revealed to Lakshmi and Rano that she had received a threatening letter, which had greatly concerned Ojas. The letter ominously stated that she would be killed in a rain of bullets, but Sulochana tried to brush it off, though it was clear she was disturbed. Lakshmi introduced Rano to the Chief Minister, and Rano, nervously trying to lighten the mood, mentioned she wanted a selfie with Sulochana, who obliged.
Meanwhile, the terrorists continued to discuss their plan. Their leader outlined that they would attack CM Sulochana when she entered the elevator, intending to shoot her on sight. To ensure their plan went smoothly, they placed a coin in one of the elevator doors to disable it, forcing Sulochana to use the elevator they had rigged.
Ojas, who was vigilant, observed that everything seemed normal and approached CM Sulochana, informing her it was time to leave. Lakshmi and Rano decided to accompany her. As they moved, Toby, one of the terrorists, tried to warn his comrades through a communication device that there were civilians with Sulochana. However, due to poor signal inside the elevator, his warning didn’t reach them.
Mishraji, alert and cautious, noticed the coin jammed in the elevator door, which aroused his suspicion. He immediately contacted Ojas, informing him that terrorists had infiltrated the hotel and were manipulating the elevators to target CM Sulochana. Mishraji warned Ojas that Sulochana should avoid using the elevator, as it posed a serious threat to her life. Ojas, realizing the gravity of the situation, quickly ordered the security team to keep CM Sulochana away from the elevators.
The episode ended on this cliffhanger, leaving viewers anxious about the fate of CM Sulochana and the others. The unfolding events highlighted the dangerous situation and the quick thinking required to prevent a potential tragedy.
Episode ends.