On August 25, 2024, the latest episode of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai unfolds with an intense confrontation between the characters. The day’s drama begins with Arman stepping in to defend Abhira in front of Kaveri. Arman explains to Kaveri that Abhira had tried her best to protect the engagement ring from thieves, but despite her efforts, she failed. He also admits that he had stopped Abhira from revealing the truth to Kaveri, leading to a misunderstanding. Abhira, feeling guilty, tries to take responsibility for the situation, but Kaveri, furious, throws a fake ring and shatters a mirror in frustration. Abhira immediately apologizes, feeling the weight of Kaveri’s disappointment, and pleads for forgiveness. Kaveri, on her part, regrets entrusting such an important responsibility to Abhira. Meanwhile, Ruhi, who has been quietly observing the situation, seems pleased with Kaveri’s anger towards Abhira, thinking that Abhira’s downfall is her own doing.
The tension rises as Manish steps in, insisting that the ring is not fake. He urges Kaveri to trust him and even suggests calling the jeweler for verification. Eventually, Manish manages to convince Kaveri, who reluctantly allows the engagement ritual to proceed. Abhira and Arman exchange rings, and amidst the celebrations, Kaveri and Manish bless the newly engaged couple. However, the happiness is not universal; Ruhi, in a corner, is seen crying. Manisha, noticing Ruhi’s distress, recalls how Ruhi tried to sabotage the engagement by switching the ring. Manisha decides to keep this information to herself for now, planning to expose Ruhi’s true intentions at a later time.
As the episode continues, Arman playfully demands a kiss from Abhira as an engagement gift, making her blush. Kaveri, still contemplating the events, is approached by Manish, who asks her to give Abhira a chance to prove herself. Kaveri, torn between her doubts and her desire to trust Abhira, agrees to give her another opportunity. Manish supports this decision, hoping it will bring peace to the family.
The scene shifts to a lighter moment where Krish, Kiara, Charu, and Aryan disrupt the couple’s moment, teasing them playfully. Arman, not easily discouraged, demands a kiss from Abhira in front of everyone. Abhira, feeling shy, initially refuses, but Arman’s persistence eventually leads her to give him a quick kiss. However, Arman, always pushing the boundaries, demands a more passionate kiss, which is interrupted again by Krish’s antics.
Ruhi’s frustration grows as she realizes her plan to switch the rings has failed. She becomes increasingly anxious about Abhira and Arman’s engagement, feeling that her position is threatened. Her thoughts are interrupted when Rohit confronts her, noticing her unusual behavior. Ruhi, caught off guard, makes an excuse about having a headache, but Rohit surprises her with a honeymoon package list, indicating that he is aware of her underlying concerns.
In a separate encounter, Abhira accidentally bumps into Sanjay, who seizes the moment to mock her. He insinuates that Abhira is only marrying Arman for his wealth, leaving her speechless. The episode concludes on this tense note, with Abhira left to ponder the accusations thrown at her.
In the precap, tensions are set to rise even further. Abhira is seen confronting Ruhi about her interference in her and Arman’s relationship, particularly regarding their honeymoon plans. Ruhi, feeling cornered, asserts her claim over Arman, escalating the conflict between the two women. Later, Abhira is shocked to discover a gold-plated wedding card, hinting at the extravagance that lies ahead. Determined not to be sidelined, Abhira decides to contribute to the wedding, setting the stage for more drama in the upcoming episodes.
The episode captures the intricate dynamics of relationships, where trust and deceit intertwine, leaving the characters and viewers alike on edge. The unfolding drama promises more twists and turns, as the characters navigate the complexities of love, loyalty, and ambition.
Episode ends.