What Santos are held today, Sunday, March 23, 2025? Every day of the year, the Catholic church commemorates different saints and blessed, figures that have dedicated their lives to the faith and service of others. These celebrations have a special meaning for the faithful, since many of these saints have left a legacy of charity, sacrifice and delivery. March 23, 2025 is no exception, and on this date several outstanding figures are remembered within the Christian tradition.
Many of these people were recognized for their acts of love and service to others, from the care of the sick to martyrdom for their faith. Each saint has a particular history, often marked by sacrifice, prayer and delivery to the most needy. On this day, we remember several of them and their impact on the Christian community. Among the saints and blessed that are celebrated today, we find figures from different parts of the world and from different times of history. Their lives reflect the diversity of roads that can lead to holiness. Next, we will meet in detail some of the most representative saints of this date as San José Oriol or Santa Rebeca de Himlaya, But also We list the rest of Santos on this day.
San José Oriol
San José Oriol was born in Barcelona in 1650 and became one of the most venerated religious figures in the city. It is known as the Taumaturg of Barcelona For the miracles and cures attributed to him, which include healing of blind, deaf, lame and paralytic, as well as resurrections of the dead. His life was marked by austerity and service to the poorto those who helped with the few resources at their disposal.
Doctorate in Philosophy and Theology at the University of BarcelonaHe was ordered priest in Vich in 1676. His pastoral work in the church of Santa María del Pino was characterized by his great devotion and dedication to the most disadvantaged. Beatified in 1806 and canonized in 1909, San José Oriol remains a very dear figure in the Catholic religion, especially in Barcelona.
Santa Rebeca de Himlaya
Santa Rebeca de Himlayawhose real name was Petra Choboq Ar-rayes, was born on June 29, 1832 in Himlaya, Lebanon. From a young age she felt a deep love for Christ and the Eucharist, which led her to enter the Maronita Monastery of San José de Batroun in 1897. His religious life was marked by sacrifice and love towards the sick and abandoned children.
At the end of the 19th century, Santa Rebeca suffered various diseases that left her blind and paraliticbut he never lost his faith. He offered his pains for humanity and his nation, becoming an example of delivery and devotion. It was beatified in 1985 and canonized in Rome by Pope John Paul II on June 10, 2001. His legacy of faith and resistance continues to inspire many people.
Beata announced Cocchetti
The Beata Annunciata Asteria Cochetti was born on May 9, 1800 in Italy And I know dedicated to the education of the poorest through the foundation of the Santa Dorotea de Cemmo sisters. This religious congregation specialized in the formation of children and young people, making sure they received a teaching based on Christian faith and values.
Annunciata made his votes in 1843 and worked with Blessed Luca Passi, founder of a similar congregation. It was beatified on April 21, 1991 by Pope John Paul II and is recognized as a patron saint of his congregation and educators in general. Its influence is still alive in the many educational communities that carry their legacy in different countries of the world.
Blessed Pedro Higgins
Pedro Higgins was a Dominican priest born in Ireland around 1602. During his ministry, he preached in Dublin and Naas, but persecution against Catholics led him to be arrested in 1642. He was offered freedom if he renounced his faith and converted to Anglicanism, but remained firm in his beliefs.
He was sentenced to death under the pretext of restoring public order and was Hanged in Dublin on March 23, 1642. His martyrdom made him a symbol of religious resistance in Ireland. He was beatified by Pope John Paul II on September 27, 1992, along with another 16 martyrs of persecution in Ireland. His party is held by the Dominican order on October 30.
Other saints that are held on March 23
Next to those mentioned, On this day these other saints are also celebrated:
- San Fingy or Cornualles, martyr
- Santos Victorian and Frumencio de Cartago, martyrs
- San Gualterio de Pontoise, Abad
- San Otón de Ariano, hermit
- Blessed Pedro de Gubbio, Presbyter
- Blessed Edmundo Sykes, presbyter and martyr
- Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, Bishop
- Blessed Announcement Cocchetti, Virgin
- Blessed Methodium Domingo Trcka, presbyter and martyr