“No one had told me anything”

Civil War in tennis has entered hatching. There is no week in which the focus is put in the racket. The expectation has jumped through the air after association of professional tennis players (PTPA), the union that founded Djokovic During the pandemic, he will pronounce with several players, including Alcaraz, against the guiding organisms of tennis.

The PTPAtogether with a dozen tennis players, he has filed a complaint for “operating as a cartel with a corrupt and illegal system” against organizations that govern sport. The professional tennis association (ATP), The Association of Women Tenists (WTA), the International Tennis Federation (ITF) and the International Agency for Tennis Integrity (ITIA).

This has spoken Carlos Alcaraz before dressing short to dispute Miami’s 1,000 masters. «I do not support this letter and I cannot support it because I knew absolutely anything to respect. It was a surprise for me. I learned through social networks and I also saw that they had used phrases that I had said in a press conference, ”said Alcaraz.

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The Murcian has always been critical of the loaded calendar of the tennis circuit, raising the voice in several press wheels. The Djokovic union collects in a paragraph of the statement his words and uses them to illustrate the feelings of the tennis players. “There are some things that appear that I agree and others that do not,” adds Alcaraz.

Tennivers feel that distributing the money from the Grand Slam, only receive 10% of the benefits, is not directly proportional to their role. The ITF said that, being a non -profit organization, the purpose of it is to “ensure the growth and sustainability of sport” and that they reinvest 90 % of their income in the development of sport.

As of this denunciation of the union, ATP has also left, which has responded with a forceful statement. “The ATP has focused on implementing reforms that benefit players at multiple levels, the PTPA (the Novak Djokovic union) has constantly opted for division and distraction through misinformation instead of progress,” they say.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at emily.l@indianetworknews.com.