This must be observed when disposing of green cuts

A hedge must be cut regularly. But how do you really dispose of the green section? We have the answer.

Your hedge has come out of shape and have you reached for the hedge trimmer? Then the green border looks well again, but the question quickly arises: where to put all the branches and leaves? How they dispose of them depends entirely on the crowd.

If you only have a small amount of green section, dispose of it easily via the bio bin. Browns and leaves, like all garden waste, belong in the brown bin. It is even better if you put the remains of the hedge on the compost. There the components decompose over time and you get a natural fertilizer for the garden.

Tip: If the remains of the hedges are strongly woody, they chop them small so that composting can be better. Fastes that are too large could reduce the air supply on the compost.

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If there was not only a shape cut, but a pruning, larger amounts of branches and leaves are incurred. It is best to load them onto a trailer or in the trunk laid out with a tarpaulin and bring everything to Recycling center. The disposal of up to a cubic meter of hedge cuts is usually free of charge.

Instead of disposing of the green section directly after the hedge cut, you can use it as a valuable shelter for hedgehogs, insects and other animals. Provide piles of branches and leaves Protection against cold and predators. Hedgehogs in particular are looking for suitable winter quarters in autumn.

Birds and beetles also benefit from the natural retreats. Place the green section on one protected area in the garden And leave it over the winter – this is how you create a small natural paradise for many domestic animal species.

Even if the thought is tempting: don’t just leave the hedge cut on the floor. On the one hand, it looks neglected and it takes a long time for the remains. In addition, toxic hedges that are cut and not disposed of are a danger to pets and children.

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Also the Disposal in the forest or in public places is not a good idea. It is forbidden that you simply unload your green section somewhere. In the worst case, there is a threat of one fine in the amount of up to 2,500 euros.

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Emma Vossen Emma, an expert in Roblox and a writer for INN News Codes, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Media, specializing in advertising. Her experience includes working with several startups and an advertising agency. To reach out, drop an email to Emma at