He Palma City Councilgoverned by minority by the PP with the programmatic support of Vox, has rejected in the municipal commission prior to the Plenary next Thursday a motion presented by the socialists in which it required Catalan as a requirement to work in municipal companies such as the EMT, in the Municipal Society of Parking and Projects (SMAP) or in Emaya cleaning, where it has been eliminated.
His suppression has not laid anything well to the leftist formations of the previous municipal government, which imposed it as a requirement during the two past legislatures, and whose elimination, according to the PSOE, is “an attack on our language,” as the municipal spokesman affirms, the municipal spokesman affirms, Xisco Ducrós.
The elimination of this linguistic requirement in the City of Palma has not liked the PSOE, which has accused the mayor Jaime Martínez of «Being cutting the rights of citizenship to be treated in Catalan ».
According to the Socialists, plunged from the municipal elections of May 2023 in a deep internal crisis and whose municipal group has been unauthorized by the Secretary General, Francina Armengolimposing on your right hand in the Balearic ParliamentIago Negueruelaat the head of the party in Palma, «since the Popular Party governs, Linguistic rights are in danger again ».
After cornering Spanish during the eight years that have ruled in the Balearic capital, demanding officials to attend to the public only in Catalan, for the PSOE Allowing the use of the two official languages of the islands is “the sick obsession of ultra -right.”
From its perspective, the PP “forces to eliminate the Catalan from the public procurement processes, to guarantee the stability of a weak municipal government, which only governs for those who have the most and does not have a collective and transformative project.”
The First municipal company that chose to eliminate the Catalan requirement was the EMTthe municipal funeral company followed (EFM), more recently, the Municipal Society of Parking and Projects (SMAP) and the last one has been the cleaning and waters of the Balearic capital, Emaya
This measure of balance in the use of the two official languages for labor access to municipal companies implies, according to the socialists, that the PP instead of understanding the language (rather the imposition of Catalan) as a “element of cohesion and promotion, prefers to continue doing the path towards the radicalization of their speech, increasingly closer to ultra -right and totalitarian postulates.”
«This is a new aggression to culture and one’s identity. It is an aggression to the citizenship of Palma and of the Balearic Islands, ”concludes the motion of the PSOE rejected today in the municipal commission prior to the Plenary.
“Once again we find that the PP bet on the path of the linguistic conflict by the use of the ultra -right and who leads this path of linguistic rights cuts is the mayor himself, Jaime Martínez,” said the socialist councilor Francesc Dalmau, in statements to IB3.
PP and VOX have also rejected, as the Socialists demanded, withdraw the calls for squares, offers and bags of municipal companies, case of Emaya that is still open, to impose the Catalan requirement.