In the middle of a brutal migration crisis and the controversial pact that the PSOE has arrived with together on the distribution of unaccompanied foreign minors (Menas), more Madrid came up with another measure that demands the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) to withdraw the term ore of the dictionary when considering it “derogatory” and advising its use.
Those of Mónica García ignore that ore It is the acronym of minor unaccompanied and not an invented word to denigrate immigrants. Therefore, they have registered a No law proposition (NLP) in the Madrid Assembly to claim that the RAE advise against its normalization in public discourse.
And of course, they take out the “ultra -right” wildcard and say that it is the one that uses that acronym in a pejorative way: “The term orewhich are acronyms of administrative use, in recent years it is used, by the ultra -rightas a derogatory and dehumanizing term to disseminate hate speeches towards migrant children ».
To explain her proposal, the regional deputy Emilia Sánchez-Pantoja has defended that «ore It is today a social stigma that denigrates and associates them with danger and exclusionleaving them on the way to perceive them as minors who need protection who are annulled empathy.
«That is why we ask the SAR to eliminate this term or at least clarify that it is a derogatory term and that it is only used in Spain. And we ask the Ayuso government to commit to a language sensitive to the situation of these children. We prefer to call them Migrant childhoodhe has remarked.
Tesh Sidi, deputy of Más Madrid in the Congress of Deputies, has also registered a similar initiative in the lower house, and has criticized that if the SAR does not clarify that it is a derogatory term, what it does is “Legitimize a dehumaniza narrative”. He says that by qualifying them, what is done is to “normalize discriminatory treatment” before some people who do not deserve “labels that make them a target of criminalization and social rejection.”
Mónica García’s ‘migrant childhood’ in front of the ‘Menas’
Mónica García’s say they prefer to use the term Migrant childhood facing Menas to refer to minor foreigners who arrive in Spain. In addition to the request to the RAE to eliminate the term, more Madrid raises promote adequate language to refer to them in a way “sensitive to their status as children.”
It also claims to review the legal description of the Migrant childhoodproposing replace the term of “unaccompanied foreigners or Mena” in current legislation.
It also asks the community to prepare a Strategic plan against racism and xenophobia Towards the childhood of the Community of Madrid, providing it with funds and with the active participation of “all sectors of the society involved.” They ask in this text that the Assembly is committed to the “use and promotion of a language sensitive to the vulnerable condition of migrant childhood.”