The king delivers the Iberdrola scholarships that drive talent, the formation of excellence and employability

He commitment With the formation of excellence, the talent and employability of the new generations has been the central axis of the act of delivery of the training scholarships promoted by the company for the 2024-2025 period, which has been chaired this morning by Felipe VI in The Iberdrola campus in San Agustín de Guadalix (Madrid).

With this program, Iberdrola seeks to identify, boost and incorporate highly qualified young people in areas such as Electrification through electrical networksrenewable energy and storage, digitalization or artificial intelligence, all of them essential to achieve a safer, self -sufficient, competitive and sustainable energy model.

The event, which has also been attended by the Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Diana Morant, has had a presentation taught by Professor Jarillo-Herrero, a researcher of the Massachusetts Institute of Technologyone of the centers of international prestige assigned to the Universities Iberdrola program (Iberdrola U), together with those of Yale or Harvard, in the United States; Oxford or Strathclydein the United Kingdom; the University of Salamanca and the Pontifical Comillas, in Spain; the Technological of Monterrey, in Mexico; the University of Catar; or that of Queensland, in Australia.

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Ignacio Galán, president of Iberdrolahighlighted the importance of creating bridges between training and employabilityespecially in sectors of strategic relevance such as energy, and thanked his Majesty the King his support, once again, to this initiative. “This center spends about 13,000 people every year to adapt to new technologies. In this way, They can continue workinggiving knowledge and service to a society that increasingly demands more electricity, better services, more capacities. This is what we intend to do with these scholarships, with which we make the best always have all the means to develop”, He said.

In the last three years, more than 400 people have been beneficiaries of the International Iberdrola Scholarship Program, and many of them have joined the company’s team. This initiative is also part of an integral commitment to young talent, which has led Iberdrola to incorporate more than 30,000 young people into the last decade.

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These programs are:

.- International Master Scholarships of Iberdrola: This program promotes training in strategic areas to transform the energy industry such as engineering, mathematics, digital marketing, environmental sciences or, others, the ‘big data’, in universities of Spain, the United Kingdom and Mexico, with the aim of integrating the best talent into the company.

.- Energy for Future: It is an initiative aimed at postdoctoral researchers to promote knowledge and innovation, and thus contribute to the growth of an electrification -based energy development model. These scholarships have a duration of three years and are carried out in collaboration with 15 international prestigious universities.

.- Fulbright Iberdrola scholarships: They offer postgraduate training for two years in universities in the United States, in key areas for sustainable and technological energy development.

.- Carolina Foundation Scholarships: Aimed at students already graduated from Latin America and Portugal who seek to develop in energy and environmental specialties in Spanish universities.

.- ICAI scholarships: They support university students with high potential and claims, focused on energy disciplines.

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Likewise, diplomas corresponding to Other specialized training and employability programs:

.– Restoration scholarships at the National Museum of Prado and in the Museum of Fine Arts in Bilbao That, with a duration of two years, they are aimed at young specialists in conservation of artistic heritage and restoration.

.- Scholarships adopthat through university and postgraduate training, they accompany Paralympic athletes in their transition to a professional career outside the sports field, in an action that is carried out in collaboration with the Spanish Olympic Committee.

.- Scholarships Start by educating (Stem 4 Grls)which form educational leaders to generate real impact on vulnerable environments and promote scientific and technological vocations among girls.

Committed to their workers

Iberdrola considers talent a strategic basis of the company and is strongly committed to quality employment and the impulse of training. Thanks to this, it is recognized as one of the favorite companies to work in the world and has recently received the International Seal “Top Employer: Large Enterprise 2025”.

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