The European tour of renewable biofuels arrives in Madrid

The Minister of Environment, Agriculture and Interior of the Community of Madrid, Carlos Novillo, highlighted today the commitment of the regional government «By an accessible and efficient energy transition through incentive policies that promote decarbonization ».

Novillo has participated in the inauguration of the first institutional act of the Tour d’Uroa route that will travel several European countries to aware of renewable fuels And that today has officially begun with a day held in the trace Madrid, in the capital.

Epicenter of the European Tour

«Madrid is located in the epicenter of this European tour, of these renewable fuels that are essential for that ecological transition, for decarbonization and to be able to achieve the objectives against global warming, ”said the counselor.

As a Novillo argument he has expressed that “they are fuels that allow emissions to become zero emissions, since they come from agriculture by -products, they occur through methanol and From the Community of Madrid what we want is to boost that technological neutrality that allows us to make an orderly transition ».

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Photo Tour D´Europe
Photo Tour D´Europe Photo family on the day Tour D´Europe (Photo: Community of Madrid)

Move Madrid plan

«It is not the electrification that, of course we also support with the Move plan With more than 400 million that we have mobilized in the Community of Madrid in everything that has to do with energy transition, but also There are other alternatives that allow us the latest technologies, which is to use all that range of biofuels».

Biofuels that They will be incorporated into those combustion engines «That we all still use in our vehicles, with a fuel that we know that will contribute to the environment that opportunity not to produce CO₂ emissions above what other fossil fuels contribute, ”explained the regional head.

«Therefore, it is a day in which we have to rejoice because Madrid is chosen as the headquarters of this European tour for these biofuels and that is why We will continue to drive them», Said Novillo.

Flattering vehicles

Among other examples, the counselor recalled the start -up last November of the Mueve Madrid Plan, with An investment of 8.4 million eurosfor him flattering of vehicles that do not have environmental badge.

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In this plan of the Community of Madrid would also enter this range of biofuels, «because we believe in technological neutrality and in a Ordered transition towards a different mobility model», Added the Madrid counselor.

Regarding this plan Mueve Madrid, he has given figures: «Today, 2,417 requests for more than 3.1 million have already been receivedmost to get rid of an ancient car ».

The aid of this program reaches 2,000 euros in case of buying another with eco or zero emissions label And they also include free transport payment for a period of up to three years, among others.

Biofuel trucks
Biofuel trucks The Tour d’Uro initiative, led by representatives of the energy and car sector, promotes the decarbonization of transport through the use of renewable fuels

Trucks with biofuels

He Tour d’Uro, The return to Europe of Trucks with biofuelsstarted and made a stop in the La Rábida Energy Park a few days ago Moeve In Palos de la Frontera (Huelva).

On this scale, one of the trucks has traveled the facilities where the company produces biofuelsalso through its new 2G biofuel plant in construction.

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After this stop in Huelva, the vehicles They will continue traveling in Spain to travel by total 2,700 kilometersreposting in service stations and prioritizing the use of biofuels.

To this route will be joined along the European continent to end the full tour in June in Brussels with the aim of demonstrate the viability of the use of renewable diesel HVO100 To boost the decarbonization of heavy road transport, in line with the objective of the European Union to reduce its emissions of 55% in 2030 until climate neutrality in 2050.

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