“Strategic error that will turn against”

“Giving public prosecutors its own CSM is a strategic error that, for heterogenesis of the purposes, will turn against. When a prosecutor will no longer have to contract his power with the judges in a single CSM, even before devouring the politicians will devour the judges. The only cool thing of the reform is the draw of the togates to the CSM, enough”. To speak in these tones, in an interview published on the ‘sheet’, it is none other than the undersecretary of justice Andrea Delmastro of Fratelli d’Italia. A rejection without discounts of the reform of the judiciary strongly desired by his minister, Carlo Nordio, also indicated by Fdi. In essence, according to Delmastro, detaching the ministries from jurisdictions, superpolies from power out of control would be created for which, the undersecretary continues: “either you go all the way and the prosecutor under the executive is brought, as happens in many countries, or the power of impulse on the investigation is taken away from him”. There are not many results of this analysis, if not precisely to put the prosecutors under some form of policy control. The oppositions were unleashed on this point.

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Carlo Nordio Minister of Justice

Carlo Nordio Minister of Justice (LaPresse)

The Stop of Forza Italia arrives immediately, which has in the separation of careers a historical objective at hand. “Those of Delmastro – says the Forza Italia spokesman, the deputy Raffaele Nevi – are personal considerations, the majority is compact and cohesive and has shown it in parliament, so we go on in a convinced way”. During the day Delmastro rectifies and tries to deny the newspaper by saying a strong supporter of the reform of justice: “I repeat that the reform system is excellent, I repeat that in the majority there is absolute sharing of the measures put in place”. The denial is immediately sent back to the sender by the author of the scoop who is in possession of the audio of the Undersecretary: “The audio of the interview confirms what the journalist Ermes Antonucci writes – now with the denial he has also lied to the country”. “An evaluation, that of Delmastro, which overall is excellent for a reform of justice that Italy has been waiting for too many years” says the group leader of Fdi in the Chamber, Galeazzo Bignami.

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“Delmastro is an incapacitated and sadistic undersecretary. From today it is also a liar. If he had a minimum of dignity he should resign. He will do it in your opinion?”. The leader of IV Matteo Renzi writes on social networks. “Now enough. If Minister Nordio also has a minimum of personal and political dignity, ask the Undersecretary to take a step back” is the request of the Democratic Party who addresses Giorgia Meloni: “How does the Prime Minister do to continue supporting him? He defends the presence of the government of those who think that the reform makes suck?” And Angelo Bonelli of Avs: “The problem is that the majority falsises itself. On the rearmament they are divided, on justice they are divided, on many crucial issues they do not have a common line. Simply, they no longer know where to go. The M5S stresses that even Delmastro, in addition to Nordio, admits that government wants to put the PM under political protection.

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Flash Mob on the occasion of the magistrates' strike, Palazzo di Giustizia of Turin

Flash Mob on the occasion of the magistrates’ strike, Palazzo di Giustizia of Turin (Handle)

The secular councilor of the CSM, Ernesto Carbone, is the only one to grasp the irony of the situation: “I read on the ‘sheet’ that the Undersecretary Delmastro of the widows thinks like the Anm and rejects in a clear way the reform of the judiciary. I also appreciate the honesty with which he admits the confusion between justice (against the political opponents) and guarantees (with the militants of his party).

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at emily.l@indianetworknews.com.