his age, his partners, his link with Oriana Marzoli and why he is famous

It is no secret that Luis Mateucci, little by little and over time, has become one of the best known faces in terms of realities. And being honest, it’s not for less. The Argentine has been part of a large number of them, in which he has managed to stand out in many aspects. And, if there is something that characterizes him, it is the sincerity and his fight against injustices. Far from everything is there, In Spain we had the opportunity to meet him thanks to his link with Oriana Marzoli, with whom he shared his life for several years. Although his rupture was quite stormy, they currently maintain a great friendship. In this way, they have become an exceptional example in terms of healing relationships and links. It is the most perfect time to know All about Luis Mateucci: His full name, his partners and why he is famous.

Your most personal side

Luis Alfredo Mateucci was born on November 7, 1987 in Córdoba (Argentina). He was always clear that being in front of the cameras was one of his dream professions, but his life changed completely in 2015. The reason? His mother died as a result of cancer. So, He had no choice but to take care of the family business.

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Despite being a very hard loss, Luis came to confess that he served to make his link with his brother Juan Francisco even stronger. In fact, The two share a tattoo for their mother, where you can read the following phrase: “The light of my eyes.” Despite the time that has passed, and how can it be otherwise, his mother is still present in his day to day.

Luis Mateucci on Instagram.

Your professional career

Throughout his life, Luis Mateucci has worked as a model and businessman, but he has also been a television collaborator. But if there is anything for which he has highlighted it has been for his participation in numerous realities, as is the case of Would you return with your ex? Double temptation, Brava Earth either Win or serveamong many others.

Far after everything was there, in 2021, he made the firm decision to pursue a new dream: be a singer. In this way, Luis has brought to light various songs and musical videosas they are My ex, chance Or evenWin or serve. The latter, in fact, saw the light at the end of July 2024.

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County of the single win or serve, by Luis Mateucci.

Luis Mateucci’s former partners

The great turning point of the Argentine came with his participation in the Chilean reality You would return with your ex next to what was his ex -partner, Barbara Córdoba. It was then that he had the opportunity to meet Oriana Marzoliwith whom he shared his life for two years. Although the beginning of his relationship was televised, and that he was marked by many ups and downs, They managed to reach the grand finale. In fact, they took the victory.

Some time later, both decided to participate in Double temptation. We cannot fail to mention that, in 2019, The Argentine introduced Mónica Kinga as her new partner, and did it through social networks. Although everything had started well, the truth is that the courtship lasted only a few months.

Daniela Aránguiz and Luis Mateucci on a brave land. (Channel 13)
Daniela Aránguiz and Luis Mateucci on a brave land. (Channel 13) Daniela Aránguiz and Luis Mateucci on a brave land. (Channel 13)

Shortly after, in 2020, Luis Mateucci met Daniela Aránguiz when she was still married to Jorge Valdivia. The two took the step to open to love when they participated in Brava Earth. Moreover, they even did a symbolic wedding. But it was during Mateucci’s participation in Win or serve When that courtship ended. And all because the Argentine gave himself the opportunity to meet Daniela Colettalthough the story ended as soon as the reality end.

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Anyway, your participation in reality Win or serve It served, above all, to clarify any type of misunderstanding with Oriana Marzoli. Something that made it very clear on his Instagram profile, where he shared the video where he sincere about his link with the young woman: “We learned with the time that what happened stays there, I keep the love and good of her”. Something that continues to comply, since he has coincided numerous occasions with Oriana Marzoli and his partner Facundo González in Madrid.

Oriana Marzoli shares a video with Facundo González and Luis Mateucci in Madrid. (Instagram)
Oriana Marzoli shares a video with Facundo González and Luis Mateucci in Madrid. (Instagram) Oriana Marzoli shares a video with Facundo González and Luis Mateucci in Madrid. (Instagram)

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at emily.l@indianetworknews.com.