Agents of the National Police and the Civil Guard have been very concerned about increasing aggressions suffered, 28%since the arrival of the socialist leader, Pedro Sánchezto the government, while the president denies being a risk profession.
The spokesman of Independent of the Civil Guard (IGC), Daniel Fernándezhe pointed out that these facts begin to be a usual practice and that the number of new attacks, aggressions and contempt for agents do not stop growing.
“The loss of the principle of authority It is a reality today, and these figures are the result of a dangerous combination of factors that have triggered the lack of respect for certain people who see crime as their way of life, showing a total contempt towards the life of the agents, ”he explained in statements to OKDIARIO.
«This loss of the principle of authority derives from the impunity that the aggressors feel, when they see in a majority of cases protected by their numerical superioritythe agents lonelinessthe Lack of means appropriate and the Reinforcement delay policemen attached to a LAXITUD OF LAWS In force, ”he added.
Assault an agent «It comes out cheap»As referred to by the aggressors themselves on more than one occasion to the civil guards themselves. Therefore, this professional association of civil guards recalled that, from the competent authorities, and especially from the Ministry of Interior, the Risk profession For State Security Forces and Bodies, and the laws are also hardening to assault an agent is never an option.
In turn, since independent of the Civil Guard, they have urged the government to increase the number of agents in the streetsmainly in those more conflicting and higher areas, to offer quality security to the whole of the citizenship.
«The Civil Guard continues in the middle of 2025 with the same structure and territorial deployment as 80 years ago. Reorganization is necessary according to today’s society, ”they have lamented. «It is vitally important to provide new and better means of self -protection to police officers, such as Táser electric gunsmuch less harmful and suppose a perfect alternative to the use of the firearm against serious aggressions, ”they point out.
An opinion shared by the majority union of the National Police, Jupolwhich also have been denouncing for a long time the increase in aggressions to agents. Ibón Domínguezspokesman for this union, has also noted that one of the main causes of violence against state security forces and bodies is the loss of the principle of authority.
«Unfortunately, we see how from the Government and the Ministry of Interior, far from legally and legislatively reinforce the National Police and Civil Guard, they are precisely otherwise. For example, pretending repeal the citizen security law by the hand of Bildu ». And they regret, like the Civil Guard, that their work is not recognized as a risk profession, as they do with regional or local police.
The aggressions increase by 28%
The aggressions suffered by police and civil guards have increased by 28% since Sánchez’s arrival to the presidency of the Government. The Executive has announced this data after the PP had questioned “the number of aggressions so much physical as verbal » suffered by agents “from 2019 to the present.” That is, from the First complete exercise of the Secretary General of the PSOE in La Moncloa.
The first year that Sanchez completely completed as head of the Executive, the security forces and bodies, as well as the local police forces, suffered 13,127 attacks Against authority, agents or public official. Since then, each exercise has been uploading this number, even in the Covid Pandemia years. The figure is currently in 16,878that is, a 28.57% growth in annual complaints of this type of crime.
From the central executive they justify that these figures are collected “without specifying“ to which body or agency of the administration the agent or official object of the fact belongs. “Therefore, exactly the data related to agents of the Benemérita that have been attacked cannot be given,” they say in the letter sent in response to the PP question.