reinforces the judge of the Dana to “attend only” the case against Mazón

He Pedro Sánchez Government It will reinforce the Court of First Instance and Instruction 3 of Catarroj DANA JUDGE be “completely released to Attend only and exclusively this cause.

This has been announced by the Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities and General Secretary of the PSPV, Diana Morant, This Sunday during your visit to the Albufera de Catarroja fault. He has defended, “is one more commitment” of the government to “strengthen all institutions that have to attend to this tragedy.” “We will be until the end with all the resources that are needed for this people to leave this situation with dignity,” he said.

In addition, Morant has declared that the central executive continues «Very closely all cars that has been presenting and that the judge has been publishing “and” it is very clear that it could be done more and better. “

Once again, the socialist minister and leader of the PSOE in this region has loaded against the Generalitat and its president, Carlos Mazón, asking for its resignation by the DANA CRISIS MANAGEMENT. “We understand that, before a crisis of this size, knowing the truth that finally faces so much lies, what citizens have to do is pronounce,” he said before adding: “In democracy there is no more powerful tool than the voice of the people, that’s why we ask early elections ».

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It should be remembered that the head of the Court of Instruction number 3 of Catarroja has called to declare as investigated the former Minister of Justice and Interior of the Valencian Government, Salome Pradas, and the former regional secretary of emergencies, Emilio Argüeso. A decision that both Pradas and Argüeso will resort to the Provincial Court of Valencia.

For the magistrate, Pradas had attributed – as the highest authority – “the process of adopting the self -protection measures of the population” while Argüeso had “organic relevance and, therefore, decision -making.”

Some of the judge’s justifications are really surprising. In the car he collects that he does not make “meaning” that Pradas and Argüeso, as emergency responsible, They would not see “the weather forecasts” of À Punt. «The information he gave L’Oratge (The time) After the midday, graphically established the evolution of the Dana when the high point approached in its gravity and deadly result, ”the car collects.

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«In the morning programming of À Punt Ximo Ròvira connects with María Sánchez, who is in Chiva “and speaks of the” Red notice for rains on the coast and interior north of Valencia, which is in force until 6:00 p.m., but could extend. ” The judge also details several issues of regional television during that day with specific schedules (12:02, 15:07, 18:09, 18:19, 19:14), describing the content of the reports on the evolution of the storm and how they showed the Increasing severity of the situation.

And it is that the investigation focuses on the late alert to the Valencian population during the catastrophe that left 225 deaths and 3 missing. According to the judicial order, the official notice to the citizens was not issued until 8:11 p.m., when numerous fatalities had already occurred.

But the head of the Catarroja court Inadmitted the complaint presented by the association Hazteoir against the Government Delegate From Sánchez in the Valencian Community, Pilar Bernabé, three days after the prosecutor ordered the Civil Guard for a crowded on this case. There, a report of the actions of several institutions and agencies that “were related to the management of the emergency situation created” by the DANA was requested.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at