Spanish Television He continues to conquer his audience with his audiovisual productions. One of the great crown jewels, unquestionably, is The promisethe popular era fiction and romance winning an international Emmy. And, every afternoon, the public is having the opportunity to know the advances that take place in the plot. A very successful bet with which fans have managed to connect with the series from the first moment. But, As in every daily strip production, there are always characters that abandon history. A situation that has been seen again in this novel.
A few weeks ago, we advanced that the characters of José Juan and Julia said goodbye to The promise because its cycle in the series had already concluded. Far from being there, now, it is Marcelo (character played by Jorge Casat) the fact that He says goodbye to the audience of the chain. A completely unexpected goodbye where fans will have to see how Teresa’s brother leaves the plot. And, remember, the man arrived at the Palace with the aim of fleeing his past. Given this, Teresa introduced him as her husband. A small fact that was not liked by everyone, specifically, from Petra.

Since then, Marcelo has managed to integrate into the palace without getting too much attention. But, as is known by all, the secrets have very short legs. The truth came to light and everyone discovered that their relationship with Teresa was purely fraternal. Of course, the housekeeper continues to think that man has announced his march from the palace due to marital problems.
The secret about Marcelo’s true origin could be revealed. A situation that would cause numerous problems. Besides, If Marquesa de Luján learned about the lie, it could also assume the end of Teresa in the house. But what will happen to Marcelo’s character?
As could be seen in the last episodes, Marcelo has decided to make his bags to leave Vigo. “They have offered me a very good job and I can’t reject it”he said in front of everyone’s watchful eye. And, apparently, the young man He has achieved a workplace in a canter. A job offer that could relieve the complicated economic situation that marques is going through.

For the moment, It is unknown when Marcelo’s last appearance will be Or if, on the contrary, he stays in the palace. The high positions of The promise They have made it clear, on numerous occasions, that nothing is written. We could be witnessing a temporary march with a certain purpose. Be that as it may, it is clear that Spanish Television fiction continues to demonstrate why it is one of the great hits of the television grill.