The episode from August 10, 2024, of “Parineetii” begins with Parineet trying desperately to open a door, only to realize it is locked from the outside. She quickly concludes that Neeti must have discovered her plan, leaving her trapped. Meanwhile, Neeti, who is growing increasingly frustrated, demands that Sanju leave with her immediately. Sanju, however, asks her to wait for a couple of minutes, which further irritates Neeti. She expresses her frustration by complaining that she doesn’t even have two minutes to spare.
As the tension builds, Mehar’s wife intervenes, criticizing Neeti for creating a scene. She reminds Neeti that she wasn’t even invited to the party, and her actions have already ruined their plans once before. Neeti, however, insists she just wants to go home and threatens Mehar’s wife, who in turn accuses Neeti of causing more drama and making threats. Amidst this chaos, Parineet realizes she needs to find a way to escape before everyone returns home and discovers her.
Neeti’s frustration continues to grow as she shouts at Gurinder, accusing her of trying to control the situation. Mehar’s wife reminds everyone that they still need to cut the cake, which was supposed to happen at 11 PM, and they are running late. Neeti, however, remains focused on taking Sanju away, declaring that they can still celebrate Grandma’s birthday and cut the cake without her. Sanju tries to calm the situation by apologizing to everyone and promising Neeti that he will leave with her after the cake is cut. Neeti, however, isn’t satisfied and accuses him of caring more about others than her.
As the situation escalates, Parineet comes to a startling realization. She had come to Neeti’s house with the intention of scaring her, pretending to be a ghost. She had narrated everything that had happened earlier, but Neeti quickly saw through her disguise. Neeti reveals that she had already figured out that Parineet was pretending to be Parvathi and had locked her in a room before coming to the party. Sanju is shocked and angry, but there is little he can do.
The situation takes a dramatic turn when Grandma finally cuts the cake, only for Neeti to push it down in anger, leaving everyone in shock. Sanju is furious with Neeti for ruining the party and asks how she could behave in such a way. Neeti, however, feels that Sanju doesn’t care about her at all and accuses him of not giving her enough time. Mehar, equally upset, shouts at Sanju for allowing his wife to ruin the party and declares that he will never invite them to another event. He demands that Sanju take Neeti and leave immediately.
Gurinder tries to apologize on behalf of Neeti, but Neeti refuses to let her. Neeti insists that if Sanju had listened to her earlier when she mentioned that Parineet was trying to scare her, this entire situation could have been avoided. Sanju, trying to maintain some order, asks Neeti to stop shouting at his mother. Gurinder is confused, wondering if Neeti is referring to Parineet or Parvathi. Neeti insists that Sanju must go with her to check on Parineet, whom she has locked in a room, and see for himself if she is indeed Parvathi. Sanju reluctantly agrees.
Meanwhile, Parineet realizes that her plan has backfired spectacularly. Her conscience appears, questioning her decision to think that Neeti would confess the truth upon seeing a ghost. The conscience reminds Parineet that Neeti is no longer the person she once knew. Neeti has become self-centered and only cares about herself. The conscience also points out that Neeti would have already brought Sanju to the party to confront Parineet if she had intended to do so.
As the tension continues to build, Sanju asks Neeti if she is sure about her decision to press the issue further. Gurinder urges Sanju to listen to Neeti at least once. Sanju, however, warns Neeti that if she is wrong, she will face severe consequences. Meanwhile, Ambika, another character, starts to worry that Parineet might be in some kind of trouble after hearing about Neeti’s plans.
As the night progresses, Neeti demands that Daima, another character, call Parineet, but Daima insists that she is Parvathi. Daima refuses to call her and suggests they return in the morning. Neeti becomes increasingly argumentative, prompting Daima to inform Ambika about the situation. Ambika, sensing that something is wrong, scolds Sanju and Neeti for disturbing them so late at night. Despite Ambika’s warnings, Neeti remains determined to find Parineet and continues to search for her, thinking she is still trying to scare her.
As Neeti searches, she becomes increasingly convinced that Parvathi is not in the house. Ambika, now furious, threatens to call the police if Neeti and Sanju don’t leave. Neeti, however, is undeterred, insisting that she has searched everywhere and cannot find Parvathi.
The episode ends with tension high, as the characters are left in a state of confusion and anger, unsure of what will happen next.