On August 16th, 2024, the television show Mangal Lakshmi aired an episode filled with emotional tension and family dynamics. The episode begins with Mangal sharing the news with Adit about Mannan and Sowmya’s upcoming wedding. She offers him sweets to celebrate, but Adit refuses, clearly troubled. His refusal isn’t just about the sweets; it’s a reflection of his internal discomfort. He quickly leaves, leaving Mangal somewhat concerned. Kusum, noticing the situation, advises Mangal to give Adit some space, suggesting that he’s feeling unwell and might just be irritable.
As the day progresses, Kusum talks to Mannan, encouraging him to meet Sowmya and spend some time with her before the marriage. Mannan agrees to this idea, seemingly eager to get to know his future wife better.
Meanwhile, Karthik brings some exciting news to the family—he is scheduled to perform a concert in Delhi. This news is met with enthusiasm, especially from Lakshmi, who mentions that she’s never seen a live concert before. Karthik, noticing her excitement, invites her to join him in Delhi for the event. Lakshmi eagerly agrees, but her enthusiasm doesn’t sit well with Gayatri, who feels a pang of jealousy.
In another part of the story, Adit tries to get in touch with Sowmya by phone, but she doesn’t answer. This frustrates him, and he becomes increasingly upset. Mangal, sensing that something is wrong, prepares Moong Dal Ka Kichdi for Adit, hoping to soothe his troubled stomach and, perhaps, his mind as well. She also informs him that Sowmya and Mannan’s pre-engagement ceremony is scheduled for Sunday. Adit, however, is not in the mood for conversation and dismisses Mangal’s attempt to connect.
Later, Adit is seen at his office, waiting anxiously to speak with Sowmya. However, he finds out that she has taken a few days off for wedding preparations and has gone shopping with Mannan. This news only adds to his growing unease.
During dinner, the family discusses the upcoming pre-engagement ceremony. Mangal suggests inviting Sowmya over for lunch the next day so that she and Mannan can spend some time together before their big day. Kusum agrees, but Adit seems distant and uninterested, making vague excuses for his behavior when questioned by Mannan.
Meanwhile, Gayatri notices Indu preparing a dress for Lakshmi to wear to the concert. This stirs up more feelings of insecurity in Gayatri, who confides in Sanjana. Sanjana, in her usual blunt manner, suggests that Lakshmi might be slowly replacing Gayatri in Karthik’s life. Gayatri dismisses this idea, asserting that no one can take a mother’s place. She reminisces about how she used to take care of Karthik during his concerts, believing that he couldn’t perform without her presence. Sanjana, however, reminds her that once men get married, they tend to listen to their wives more than their mothers. This statement leaves Gayatri feeling even more unsettled.
Back at Mangal’s house, she prepares dinner while speaking with Lakshmi on the phone. Mangal expresses her happiness for Lakshmi, who is about to attend her first concert with Karthik. Mannan, meanwhile, is getting ready for his meeting with Sowmya, dressed in a suit. He seeks Mangal’s approval, and she compliments him, saying he looks great. Adit, however, can’t resist making a sarcastic comment about Mannan’s appearance.
When the doorbell rings, Adit insists on answering it instead of Mannan. He opens the door to welcome Sowmya, who greets Mannan warmly and compliments his outfit. Adit, trying to play the gracious host, asks Mangal to bring something for Sowmya, and Mangal obliges.
Lakshmi, on the other hand, is unsure about what to wear to the concert. Gayatri steps in to help, choosing a light saree for her and giving her tips on how to take care of Karthik during the event. Lakshmi, not wanting to forget anything, records Gayatri’s advice on her phone. Karthik, upon seeing this, praises Lakshmi for her thoughtfulness before leaving the room.
Later, Mannan and Sowmya engage in a light-hearted conversation where Mannan asks her about her favorite actor, among other things. Adit, observing this, remarks that it seems like Mannan is interviewing Sowmya. Taking the hint, Mannan suggests they play a game of truth or dare to get to know each other better. Sowmya agrees, and they begin the game.
During the game, Sowmya spins the bottle, and it lands on Adit. When asked to choose between truth or dare, Adit opts for the truth. Sowmya then asks him how much he loves his wife, a question that catches him off guard.
The episode ends on this note, leaving viewers curious about how Adit will respond and what implications his answer might have for the relationships within the family.
Episode ends.