On August 19, 2024, the episode of Kundali Bhagya unfolded with intense drama and high stakes as the Luthra family found themselves in a dire situation. Rakhi, gripped by fear, rushed to the police station to file a missing complaint for her granddaughter Kavya and Preeta, both of whom had mysteriously vanished. The tension began to mount when Varun, a character with dark intentions, threatened Kavya that he would kill Preeta if she did not agree to marry him.
The episode opened with Varun, the antagonist, coercing Kavya into submission by threatening her with Preeta’s life. He ordered Bhanu to fill a glass container with water, creating a tense atmosphere as the water began to rise. Kavya, in a state of panic, tried desperately to break the glass container but failed. Her fear and helplessness were palpable as she realized the gravity of the situation. Meanwhile, Preeta, who had been unconscious, regained consciousness only to find herself in Varun’s clutches. He greeted her mockingly, making it clear that she was at his mercy.
At the same time, Rakhi, overwhelmed with anxiety, went to the police station to seek help. She informed the police inspector that her granddaughter Kavya was missing and that she believed Preeta had been kidnapped. Rakhi, with the support of Dadi, pleaded with the inspector to take immediate action. The inspector, though initially confused by the complexity of the situation, listened attentively as Rakhi recounted the events. She expressed her suspicion that Varun was behind the disappearance of both Kavya and Preeta. Rakhi’s fear was mirrored by Kareena, who also believed that Kavya was with Preeta and that they were both in grave danger.
Determined to find them, the police inspector left with his team to investigate, and Rakhi and Kareena decided to accompany them, hoping to be of assistance in the search.
Back at the Luthra house, the atmosphere was no less tense. Nidhi, feeling isolated and desperate, contemplated her next move. Her only ally in the house, Shaurya, was often too drunk to be of any help. Nidhi, worried about the situation, called Anshuman to confirm if he had carried out their sinister plan to kill Preeta. Anshuman, however, did not give her a clear answer, leaving Nidhi on edge. The tension escalated when Shaurya overheard her conversation, realizing that Nidhi had been plotting against Preeta. Confronting her, Shaurya expressed his disbelief and dismay that she could be so cold-hearted. Nidhi, trying to cover her tracks, quickly pretended to be on the phone with someone else, instructing them not to harm Preeta.
Meanwhile, Varun prepared for what he intended to be his wedding to Kavya. He dressed as a groom, fully intending to force Kavya into marriage. Preeta, horrified by what was unfolding, warned him not to go through with it, but Varun remained adamant. He taunted Preeta, confident that she would be unable to stop him. Kavya, caught in a dreadful situation, tried to resist but was powerless against Varun’s threats.
In a desperate attempt to save Preeta, Kavya managed to send a message to Palki, informing her of the situation. As smoke filled the room, creating a brief moment of confusion, Kavya took advantage of the distraction to use a phone. She quickly sent a message to Palki, detailing their predicament before hiding the phone. Varun, oblivious to Kavya’s actions, focused on dragging her to the marriage mandap, while Preeta continued to resist.
Palki, after receiving Kavya’s message, immediately informed Karan and Rajveer. Karan, incensed by Varun’s actions, vowed not to let him get away with his crimes. The urgency in their voices underscored the peril that Kavya and Preeta were in, as they prepared to take action against Varun.
The episode reached its climax as Preeta, despite her captivity, fiercely told Varun that she would stop him at all costs. Her defiance was met with more threats, but she remained undeterred, determined to protect Kavya from a forced marriage. The tension in the room was palpable, with the looming threat of Varun’s violence hanging over them.
As the episode ended, the fate of Kavya and Preeta remained uncertain. The viewers were left on the edge of their seats, anxious to see whether the Luthra family, with the help of the police, would be able to rescue them in time. The stakes had never been higher, and the anticipation for the next episode was intense as the drama continued to unfold.
Episode ends.