On the 8th of August, 2024, viewers of the popular show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai were taken aback by Rohit’s surprising decision. The episode began with a heated argument involving Rohit, Abhira, and Arman. Rohit was upset because Abhira was supporting Arman, leading him to confront her. Rohit felt that Abhira was interfering in matters that did not concern her. Arman stepped in to defend Abhira, telling Rohit to leave her out of the dispute. However, Rohit insisted that Abhira had involved herself by taking Arman’s side.
As tensions escalated, Rohit accused Arman of ruining his and Ruhi’s lives. Abhira tried to calm the situation by taking Arman away, while Rohit took Ruhi back. Manish noted that Ruhi had returned for Arman, which upset Rohit even more. Ruhi expressed her inability to live without Arman, further complicating the situation.
Arman scolded Abhira for meddling in his issues with Ruhi and Rohit. Abhira defended her actions, stating she couldn’t stay silent when she saw something wrong. This led to an argument between Arman and Abhira, but eventually, Arman decided to stop fighting with her.
Rohit, on the other hand, was trying to mend his relationship with Ruhi. Ruhi wanted to make Rohit’s days memorable and came up with a plan to surprise him. She found out that Arman had planned a date for Abhira and decided to interfere. Ruhi was determined to keep Arman and Abhira apart.
Abhira, feeling hungry, was getting ready for her date with Arman. Meanwhile, Ruhi tricked Rohit into going on a date with her. When they arrived at the restaurant, Arman and Abhira were shocked to see them. Abhira questioned Ruhi about her presence there. Ruhi responded by questioning Abhira in return. Despite the awkward situation, Arman decided to proceed with his plans.
Rohit, curious about the restaurant booking, asked Ruhi how she managed it. Ruhi explained that her friend had cancelled her reservation, so she took the opportunity. Rohit wanted to confirm this with Ruhi’s friend, making Ruhi nervous about being caught. However, Rohit chose to trust Ruhi without checking.
While Abhira and Arman enjoyed their date, Rohit and Ruhi were disturbed by their presence. Rohit became angry, feeling that Arman had ruined their date. Arman then decided to leave with Abhira, insisting that he had booked the table first. This left Ruhi pleased with the outcome.
In the episode’s precap, Kaveri mentioned that Rohit would take over the Poddar firm in her absence. Shockingly, Rohit asked Kaveri to get Arman and Abhira married, leaving Ruhi stunned by his request.
This unexpected turn of events has left fans eagerly awaiting the next episode to see how the characters will navigate the complex relationships and the consequences of Rohit’s shocking decision. The intricate dynamics between Rohit, Ruhi, Arman, and Abhira promise more drama and unexpected twists in the storyline.