On August 23, 2024, a series of tense events unfolded in the village as a group of visitors arrived to inspect local products. Mihika, along with Vaiju, Jaya, and Sulekha, came to see the items crafted by the villagers. Jaya, curious about the quality of the goods, asked a vendor what made a particular saree’s fabric unique. Mihika, impatient with the heat and hunger, instructed the vendor to send the best clothes to the farm. Meanwhile, Vaiju joked that they should feed Mihika some healthy village food, using simple items like hay and cow dung to prepare fresh vegetables.
Jaya, excited about the rustic meal, offered it to Mihika, who made no attempt to hide her distaste. As they walked around, Mihika accidentally stepped in cow dung, ruining her shoes. Sulekha suggested that Mihika ask Vaiju to fetch another pair from the car. Although annoyed, Mihika acted politely and requested Vaiju to get the shoes. Vaiju, eager to help, immediately went to retrieve them.
While Vaiju was away, Rannvijay, who was working at the mill, inquired about her whereabouts. When told that Vaiju was showing the village to some guests, he tried calling her, but she didn’t answer. Puzzled, Rannvijay wondered what was keeping her so busy.
Vaiju returned and placed the shoes in front of Mihika. Sulekha then told Vaiju that she should help Mihika clean the dung off her feet and put the shoes on for her. Mihika, feigning an allergy to dirt, declined the help and insisted on doing it herself. However, Sulekha, intending to mock Vaiju, offered to do it instead. Vaiju, feeling responsible, insisted on cleaning Mihika’s heels herself. As she picked up a pot of water to begin the task, Rannvijay appeared, stopping her in her tracks.
At that moment, Jaya also arrived with another pot of water. Rannvijay, visibly upset, criticized Mihika for treating the villagers as inferior. He expressed his disdain for such behavior and questioned whether Mihika believed she could make Vaiju do anything she wanted. His frustration boiled over as he scolded Mihika, declaring that he would not tolerate such disrespect towards Vaiju.
Turning his anger towards Jaya, Rannvijay asked why she hadn’t stood up for Vaiju. Although Vaiju tried to defend Jaya, Rannvijay continued to chastise her, accusing her of being indifferent to Vaiju’s humiliation. He reminded Jaya that they had brought Vaiju into their home as a responsibility, but now it seemed that Jaya didn’t care about Vaiju’s well-being. His harsh words stung Jaya deeply, and she left the scene, hurt by his accusations.
Vaiju, worried about the confrontation, asked Rannvijay why he had scolded Jaya when she hadn’t even been present when Mihika asked for help. Meanwhile, Rannvijay’s father noticed a paper boat made by Aayan and was reminded of his youthful days with his former lover. However, as he reminisced, he suddenly felt dizzy, and the other family members rushed to support him.
In another part of the house, Jaya, still reeling from Rannvijay’s harsh words, broke down in tears. Rannvijay, realizing the pain he had caused, approached Jaya to apologize. Before they could resolve their differences, they were interrupted by urgent news of Rannvijay’s father’s illness. The episode ended with the family hurrying home to tend to him.
In the upcoming events, it is revealed that during the Janmashtami celebrations, Vaiju will heroically save Rannvijay when his kurta catches fire. The tension between the characters, coupled with the unfolding drama, suggests that more challenges are yet to come for the village and its residents.
Episode ends.