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Jhanak 18th August 2024 Written Update

Jhanak 18th August 2024 Written Update
Jhanak 17th August 2024 Written Update (image via Instagram)

On August 18th, 2024, tensions and emotions ran high in the latest episode of Jhanak. The episode began with an awkward encounter between Jhanak and Aniruddha, who both found themselves in a designing house to purchase dresses for Jhanak and Arshi. The tension was palpable as they saw each other, both feeling embarrassed in the presence of the other. Aniruddha, trying to mask his feelings, deliberately showed affection for Arshi, while Aditya did the same for Jhanak. Aditya made it a point to mention that Jhanak was buying her dresses with her own money, emphasizing her independence.

In an attempt to prove his love for Jhanak, Aditya’s behavior was noticeably affectionate, while Jhanak, though trying to conceal her feelings, showed concern for Aditya. She even insisted on buying some clothes for him, offering to pay for them herself. This gesture made Aniruddha jealous, but he was unable to express his feelings openly, constrained by the presence of his wife.

Meanwhile, the story shifted to another character, Appu, who was dealing with her own struggles. She repeatedly asked her family to allow her to meet her friend Lalan. Her family, however, disapproved of their friendship and prohibited her from seeing him. Frustrated and desperate, Appu began shouting Lalan’s name, causing a commotion that drew the attention of Vipasha and Tanuja. They rushed to the scene, criticizing Appu for her disobedience and her insistence on seeing Lalan. Appu’s parents were embarrassed by her behavior, especially when she excitedly reacted to the news that Lalan had arrived to see her.

Lalan’s arrival only intensified the situation. Appu’s excitement was evident, and she eagerly asked Lalan to feed her. Her enthusiasm embarrassed her parents further, and Vipasha sternly told Appu to control herself. Lalan, undeterred by the insults from the family, declared that he would continue visiting the Bose house to see his friend Appu. This bold statement led Vipasha to call him shameless, and the entire family began to insult him. However, Appu stood up for Lalan, voicing her support and insisting that she would continue to meet him. Her unwavering loyalty made Lalan feel even more fond of her.

Ajanta, another family member, demanded that Lalan leave the house immediately, threatening to call the watchmen if he didn’t comply. Chhotan, who had a softer spot for Lalan, tried to calm Ajanta down, urging her to control her anger. However, Vipasha and Tanuja were fearful, worrying that Lalan, whom they considered a slum boy, might pose a danger to the family.

In a touching moment, Appu asked Lalan to touch her, believing that it would cure her of all her ailments. Lalan then asked Appu if she wanted to live with him, to which she replied with enthusiasm, saying that she felt happiest when she was with him. This exchange took the entire family by surprise, especially when Lalan confessed his desire to marry Appu. He promised to take her to his home after the marriage, a declaration that filled Appu with joy.

Despite Lalan’s heartfelt confession, the elders of the family did not take kindly to his proposal. He asked for their permission to marry Appu but was met with harsh insults from every family member. Chhotan, who sympathized with Lalan, was unable to muster the courage to defend him.

Back with Jhanak, Aditya recognized her discomfort and embarrassment caused by Aniruddha’s presence. Although Jhanak tried to hide her true feelings for Aniruddha, Aditya could sense the turmoil within her. He reassured her, promising not to ask any awkward questions or disturb her peace. In an effort to lift her spirits and distract her from the uncomfortable situation, Aditya started talking about the exciting party that was planned for the evening.

The episode concluded on a tense note, with unresolved emotions and conflicts looming over the characters, setting the stage for future developments in the story.

Episode ends.

Emma Vossen
Emma Vossen
Emma Vossen Emma, an expert in Roblox and a writer for INN News Codes, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Media, specializing in advertising. Her experience includes working with several startups and an advertising agency. To reach out, drop an email to Emma at

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