On August 12, 2024, the gripping story of 10:29 Ki Aakhri Dastak took a dark turn, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats. The narrative begins with Abhimanyu, a determined man seeking justice, engaging in a tense phone conversation with Macchar Ji. Abhimanyu pleads with the police to take action against Shashtri Ji and the village Sarpanch, both suspected of being involved in the illegal sale and distribution of hard drugs. The gravity of the situation becomes apparent as Abhimanyu dives deeper into the mystery.
Simultaneously, Daddy Ji, a man with connections to the underworld, finds himself in a precarious situation. One of his clients is infuriated by a delayed drug delivery, blaming the delay on others involved. This incident pushes Daddy Ji to confront Abhimanyu directly. They meet near a highway, where Daddy Ji emphatically denies any involvement in the drug trade. He directs Abhimanyu’s suspicions towards Shashtri Ji, revealing that the drug transactions are taking place within an ashram owned by Shashtri Ji. However, Daddy Ji insists that there is no concrete evidence of drugs being stored there.
The conversation takes a dark turn when Daddy Ji, sensing danger, secretly calls upon his goons to thwart Abhimanyu’s pursuit of the truth. Abhimanyu, undeterred, continues his investigation. During his journey, he is startled by a scream coming from a nearby palace. His curiosity leads him to the scene, where he witnesses a horrifying sight—a woman brutally decapitating Pandit Ji. However, before Abhimanyu can react, the mysterious woman vanishes, leaving only eerie evidence behind.
Determined to uncover the truth, Abhimanyu reports the incident to Macchar Ji, urging him to conduct a postmortem on the body. Meanwhile, Macchar Ji discovers that the drugs hidden beneath the ashram have mysteriously disappeared. This revelation only deepens the mystery, and Abhimanyu confronts Daddy Ji once more, demanding answers about the drugs. However, Daddy Ji remains elusive, refusing to reveal anything substantial.
The tension escalates as Abhimanyu presses Daddy Ji for information about the woman who killed Pandit Ji. Abhimanyu is convinced that Daddy Ji knows more than he’s letting on and might even be complicit in the murder. As Abhimanyu pushes for answers, Daddy Ji recalls a chilling conversation he had with Pandit Ji, in which Pandit Ji mentioned being haunted by a “Dayan” (a vengeful spirit).
The episode ends on this eerie note, leaving viewers to ponder the mysterious connections between Shashtri Ji, Daddy Ji, and the unidentified woman. Abhimanyu’s quest for justice is far from over, and the unfolding events suggest that more dark secrets are yet to be revealed. As he navigates through lies, deceit, and danger, Abhimanyu remains steadfast in his pursuit of the truth, determined to bring the culprits to justice.
The mystery of Shashtri Ji’s killer continues to unravel, promising more twists and turns in the episodes to come.