On August 23, 2024, the latest episode of Kumkum Bhagya unfolded intense drama as Purvi found herself facing the wrath of RV’s family. The episode begins with Yug confronting Purvi, advising her not to plead with Soham, indicating that there are many others interested in marrying Diya. Confused by Yug’s sudden change in behavior, Soham questions him, to which Yug responds with bitterness, revealing his growing hatred for Soham after learning about the previously canceled engagement. He then advises Diya against marrying Soham, although Soham insists he hasn’t done anything wrong. Yug, realizing his outburst, apologizes and exits, leaving Soham to wonder if the stress from RV’s situation might be affecting him. Purvi, sensing the tension, apologizes to Soham on behalf of Yug, who dismisses it, assuring Purvi that everything is fine. She encourages Soham to take good care of Diya, who, she reveals, has deep feelings for him. Soham agrees and leaves with Diya.
The scene shifts to a neighboring woman approaching Purvi, badmouthing RV and his family. Purvi defends RV, standing firm against the woman’s harsh words. Monisha, overhearing this exchange, plots to use the situation to her advantage. The neighbor attempts to belittle Purvi, suggesting that as a divorced woman, she holds no value. Purvi, refusing to back down, rebukes the woman and calls out her hypocrisy, revealing the woman’s husband’s affair with his secretary. Monisha, seeing an opportunity, decides to stir trouble further. As Purvi leaves, the neighbor warns her not to trust her husband, to which Purvi responds by advising the woman to first check her own husband’s behavior.
Monisha wastes no time in manipulating RV’s family, telling them that Purvi is playing the victim in front of the neighbors. She then receives a phone call and steps aside, leaving RV’s family to confront Purvi. They bombard her with questions, accusing her of entrapping them in Neha’s plan without considering the consequences. Monisha watches the unfolding drama without answering her call. Jasbeer, observing the situation, messages Monisha, instructing her to call him. She complies, video-calling him and showcasing Purvi’s tense encounter with RV’s family.
Harleen, the most vocal among them, accuses Purvi of seeking revenge, demanding that she fix the mess she created. Despite Purvi’s apologies, Harleen insists that an apology won’t change anything. Yug, sensing the hostility, tries to calm the situation, urging the family to hear Purvi out. Purvi assures them that she will stop Neha from marrying RV, but Vaishali, another family member, challenges her, questioning how she intends to accomplish that. Harleen warns Purvi not to make any decisions without their approval, while Vaishali expresses her distrust in Purvi, stating that the family will not trust her again. Jasbeer, noticing Purvi’s growing suspicion, instructs Monisha to leave before she can be caught.
Purvi, now deeply suspicious of Monisha, follows her and confronts her about her connection with Jasbeer. Monisha, feigning ignorance, denies knowing anyone named Jassi and refuses to hand over her phone. When Purvi tries to snatch the phone, it falls, attracting Harleen’s attention. Monisha quickly covers, claiming her phone simply slipped from her hands, and leaves. Purvi, however, remains unconvinced, certain that Monisha is hiding something.
Determined to uncover the truth, Purvi confronts Monisha again, accusing her of conspiring with Jasbeer against RV and his family. Monisha, unfazed, claims loyalty to RV and his family, declaring that she can do anything for them. Purvi warns her that she will go to any length to protect RV, but Monisha coldly reminds her that RV no longer wants anything to do with her, blaming Purvi for the troubles in his life. Monisha, dismissing Purvi, tells her to leave and drives away, leaving Purvi more determined than ever to expose the truth and protect RV. The episode ends on this tense note, with the audience left wondering what will happen next in this tangled web of deceit and betrayal.
Episode ends.