On the morning of August 17, 2024, a series of tensions and misunderstandings began to unfold in the lives of Jhanak, Aditya, Aniruddha, and Arshi. The day started with Aditya arriving outside a hotel to pick up Jhanak, hoping to take her to a party. However, Jhanak hesitated to join him, feeling unsure about their relationship. Aditya, eager to make a good impression, asked if she had a beautiful dress to wear, but Jhanak didn’t have anything fancy. Despite his insistence, Jhanak refused to accept any gifts from Aditya, as she didn’t know him well enough to consider him a friend.
This led to a small conflict when Aditya offered to buy a dress for Jhanak, but she was determined not to accept anything from him. Aditya tried to persuade her, hoping she would present herself well at the party. After much hesitation, Jhanak decided to buy a dress on her own, agreeing to attend the party with Aditya but maintaining her independence.
Meanwhile, Aniruddha, who is married to Arshi, was also involved in preparations for the same party. He wanted Arshi to look her best and suggested she buy a new dress. This suggestion sparked suspicion in Arshi’s mind. She asked if he wanted her to look better than Jhanak, a name that embarrassed Aniruddha when mentioned. Arshi’s doubts grew, and she began to suspect there was something more between Aniruddha and Jhanak, especially since she assumed that Aditya and Jhanak had a history together in Kolkata.
Arshi’s growing suspicions and accusations troubled Aniruddha. She even questioned whether Aniruddha had rigged a dance competition to ensure her victory, doubting the sincerity of his efforts. Aniruddha, though frustrated by Arshi’s continuous interrogation, managed to calm her suspicions and convinced her to focus on the party preparations. Together, they headed out to the market to buy Arshi a new dress.
In another part of the story, at the Bose household, young Appu was eagerly waiting to meet her friend Lalan. She pleaded with her caretaker to bring him to her, as he had promised to visit every day. Appu’s strong attachment to Lalan worried her mother, Ajanta, who became upset seeing her daughter’s deep affection for the boy. Despite her mother’s concerns and advice, Appu was firm in her feelings, confessing that she was in love with Lalan.
As the day progressed, both Arshi and Jhanak found themselves in the same market, shopping for their party dresses. The shopkeeper welcomed them warmly, not realizing the underlying tensions between the two women. When Aniruddha, who was with Arshi, spotted Jhanak with Aditya, he was taken aback. This unexpected encounter added another layer of complexity to the already tense situation.
The episode ended with these unresolved tensions and emotions, leaving the characters entangled in a web of doubts, misunderstandings, and unspoken feelings. The day that began with a simple plan to attend a party had now turned into a series of conflicts and suspicions, with each character trying to navigate their own emotional turmoil.
Episode ends.