Alert in Jerusalem after the missile was fired from Yemen, siren to alert alert at an airstrike

In Central Jerusalem and other parts of Israel, alerting alert at a air strikes (signal
Image Source: AP
Siren at Central Jerusalem and other parts of Israel to alert alert (symbolic photo)

Jerusalem: The Israeli army on Thursday said that after the missile was fired from Yemen, the sirens that warned of air strikes in Central Jerusalem and other parts of Israel rang. A few hours before this missile attack, the Israeli army claimed to kill another missile tained by Huti rebels. The Iran -supporting Huti rebels have started attacking Israel once again after the temporary ceasefire between Israel and Hamas ended this week.

Israel bombed in Gaza

Meanwhile, let us also tell here that, Israel has once again started a rage in Gaza. Israel has carried out continuous attacks in Gaza Strip in the last three days. The Israeli attacks have caused chaos in Gaza. 592 Palestinians have died in these attacks by the Israeli army. Those who died include women and children. The Israeli army says that Hamas’s bases are being targeted on its behalf.

What did PM Netanyahu say?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that the air strike in Gaza will take place during the ‘just beginning hai’ and the ceasefire talks ‘attacks’. In a recorded (previously recorded) statement aired on National Television, Netanyahu said that Israel would continue to attack until he achieves all his war goals, including destroying Hamas and redeeming all those held hostage.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at