In a small village, an incident on August 21, 2024, shook the community as a woman named Bindu faced accusations of murder. The episode starts with Abhimanyu, a key figure in the village, trying to explain to the villagers that Bindu was not a “Dayan” or witch who had been responsible for the mysterious deaths in the area. He revealed that Bindu had deceived everyone, making them believe that a supernatural force was behind the deaths, while in reality, it was all her doing.
The villagers, enraged by the revelation, attempted to physically attack Bindu. However, Abhimanyu, along with his police team, managed to stop them. He pleaded with the villagers to let the law handle the situation, explaining that while Bindu had pretended to be a Dayan, she was, in fact, not one. His words eventually calmed the villagers, convincing them to refrain from taking matters into their own hands.
Meanwhile, another subplot unfolds as Preeti takes on the responsibility of caring for Macchar Singh in her uncle’s house. Macchar Singh, who was in a state of severe trauma, needed medical attention. The doctor attending to him mentioned that although he was conscious, he required time to recover due to the immense psychological stress he had endured. Preeti’s aunt initially opposed keeping Macchar Singh in their home, but Preeti managed to convince her by reminding her of the times Macchar Singh had supported their family. Preeti argued that it was now their turn to repay his kindness by providing him with shelter and care until he recovered.
Back at the police station, Abhimanyu and his team brought Bindu into custody. As they arrived, Abhimanyu noticed an unusual darkness outside, which seemed strange for that time of day. Bindu, still adamant in her claims, warned that a true Dayan existed in Chamkiya, a village nearby, and that this entity would bring destruction to the entire village. She spoke of an impending apocalypse, a catastrophic event that would devastate the village, unlike anything the villagers had ever witnessed before.
Bindu pointed out the ominous presence of numerous crows, which she claimed was a bad omen, signaling the arrival of the Dayan. Despite her warnings, Abhimanyu dismissed her claims as mere theatrics, instructing his team to lock her up. However, Bindu continued to insist that the destruction would occur within the next 24 hours, leaving everyone on edge.
Determined to maintain order, Abhimanyu made public announcements throughout the village, reassuring the people that there was no Dayan and that Bindu had merely pretended to be one. He urged the villagers to trust his words, as he had successfully resolved the case. Abhimanyu’s voice echoed through the streets as he called on the villagers to step outside their homes and face their fears, assuring them that there was nothing to worry about.
During this announcement, Abhimanyu encountered Daddy Ji, a local figure with whom he engaged in a subtle argument. Daddy Ji warned Abhimanyu that he should leave the village, hinting at potential danger if Bindu were to reveal his name as a partner in a drug dealing operation. This tense exchange added another layer of intrigue to the unfolding drama.
Meanwhile, back at Preeti’s house, her family expressed their gratitude to Abhimanyu for saving the village from the terror of the so-called Dayan. They were deeply thankful for his efforts and felt reassured by his presence. Abhimanyu once again emphasized that there was no need to worry, as he was there to protect them and the entire village. He encouraged them to move freely within the village, confident that they were safe under his watch.
As the episode concluded, the tension in the village remained palpable. The villagers, though somewhat reassured by Abhimanyu’s words, could not entirely shake off the unease that Bindu’s warnings had instilled in them. The looming question of whether Bindu’s dire predictions would come true lingered in the air, leaving everyone on edge as they awaited the next turn of events.
This incident on August 21, 2024, marked a significant moment in the village’s history, one that would not be easily forgotten. The events of that day raised questions about trust, fear, and the power of belief in the supernatural, leaving the villagers to grapple with the reality of what had transpired and what might still be to come.
Episode ends.