In the episode of “Badall Pe Paon Hain” aired on July 24, 2024, the story begins with Poonam confiding in Baani about borrowing money from Balwant. Baani, filled with fear, is shocked when Poonam suggests withdrawing money from the share market. Despite her disappointment, Baani decides to take back the money, but Poonam stops her, proposing they take a risk instead. Emotional, they hug each other.
Meanwhile, Rajat prepares to go to work, but Bhishan and Bebe urge him to attend Rinku’s cricket match for support. Realizing he will lose 5,000 rupees, Rajat attempts to prioritize work, but Bebe taunts him, and Gini mocks his obedience to his wife. Reluctantly, Rajat assigns Chotu to organize the event and leaves to support Rinku. Bebe tells Bhishan she won’t let Rajat become Baani’s slave. Baani tries to inspire Poonam, giving her hope for a better future.
That night, Shilpa suggests celebrating Rinku’s victory. However, Gaurav and Rajat return home with a tearful Rinku, who vents his frustration over losing the match due to his torn shoe. Poonam promises to buy Rinku new shoes, but he cries and leaves the room. Baani and Poonam exchange glances, reassured in their decision to invest in the share market.
Later, Baani expresses her disappointment with Rajat for only providing moral support to Rinku, which she feels is insufficient. She pleads with Rajat to become a CA to earn more money, but Rajat refuses, upsetting Baani.
The next day, Balwant and his men confront Baani on the road. Balwant threatens her and deletes a video of him from her phone, but Baani cleverly negotiates to pay him 1,000 rupees each month instead of 500, which Balwant accepts. Relieved, Baani hopes to repay Balwant’s money soon. Dolly then calls, yelling at Baani for Chotu’s mistakes. Baani asks for more time, which Dolly grants. Baani calls Rajat, who reassures her that he is on his way to fix Chotu’s errors, relieving Baani. She prays for divine help.
Poonam asks Baani about Balwant, and Baani explains the encounter. She decides to get a part-time job to repay Balwant. Meanwhile, Bebe and Nandu criticize Baani, which Poonam overhears, making her nervous about Bebe’s reaction once she learns of Baani’s decision.
Baani attends an interview but fails due to her lack of computer skills. Rajat, however, successfully completes his work, and Dolly praises him, sending a happy message to Baani. This uplifts Baani, who later overhears a conversation about a promising investment in a company. Despite Softy’s objections, she decides to invest in the company with determination.
In the precap, Rajat and Baani meet Rajat’s friends, where Rajat becomes tense when they mention his past relationship with Lavanya.
This episode highlights Baani’s struggles and determination to improve her family’s situation, showcasing the challenges she faces and her unwavering resolve. As the story unfolds, viewers are left eager to see how Baani navigates these obstacles.