On August 5th, 2024, the popular TV show “Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai” aired an episode filled with amusing twists and heartfelt moments. The episode opened with Rohit discussing plans to attend the Mangla Gauri veneration. Krish revealed that Arman had devised a unique plan for their entry. Meanwhile, Anuradha questioned Kaveri about the potential marriage between Abhira and Arman, but Kaveri remained noncommittal, stating that nothing was decided yet.
Manisha encouraged Abhira to pray sincerely, expressing her hopes for Arman and Abhira’s union. Arman, in a playful mood, asked Madhav to wear a lehenga, a traditional Indian skirt. Madhav teased Arman, while Sanjay refused to don the attire, opting instead to call Kajal. Krish persuaded Sanjay to support their plan.
As the veneration continued, Abhira, Kaveri, Vidya, and others participated in a balance game, during which Arman made jokes about Madhav and Krish’s height. Abhira emerged victorious in the game, earning praise from Anuradha, who compared her youthful spirit to that of Kaveri. Despite her friends’ insistence, Abhira decided not to stay longer at the event.
The highlight of the episode was when Arman, Madhav, Manoj, Sanjay, and Rohit entered the veneration disguised as women. Abhira, suspecting something was amiss, teased Arman to uncover the truth. Her plan worked, and the group was exposed. Kaveri questioned Arman, who humorously explained that Madhav, Manoj, and Sanjay were missing their wives, and he too was missing Abhira.
Abhira couldn’t contain her laughter upon seeing Arman in his disguise. Although Arman wanted to change back into his regular clothes, Abhira insisted he remain in the lehenga a bit longer, much to Arman’s annoyance. Madhav explained to Vidya that they included Rohit in their plan to avoid him getting bored.
Anuradha then invited the women to read poems for their partners. Vidya read a heartfelt poem for Madhav, and Manisha and Kajal also performed. When Abhira’s friends urged her to say something for Arman, she hesitated, claiming she wasn’t a poet. This upset Arman, but Abhira managed to impress him later, leading to a joyous dance together.
Madhav urged Kaveri to accept Abhira, warning that separating her from Arman could have serious consequences. Kaveri remained stubborn, believing Abhira lacked courage. However, Vidya vouched for Abhira, insisting she was the perfect match for Arman. Kaveri pondered over this as Ruhi unexpectedly interrupted Abhira and Arman’s dance, shocking Abhira with her return.
Sanjay, observing the dynamics, hoped that the differences between Arman and Rohit would persist for his own gain. The episode concluded with Ruhi deciding to give Rohit another chance, while Abhira remained suspicious of Ruhi’s true intentions, suspecting a bigger plan at play.
In the upcoming episodes, viewers can expect more drama and twists as Ruhi’s intentions become clearer and Abhira navigates the complexities of her relationship with Arman amidst family tensions. The anticipation of whether Kaveri will accept Abhira continues to build, promising engaging developments in the storyline.