On the 14th of August 2024, the popular show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai took an intense turn when Abhira, a central character, was unexpectedly kidnapped. The day started with Arman, who had invited Abhira to meet him at the temple, eagerly awaiting her arrival. Arman was anxious because time was running out, and he hoped to marry Abhira without further delay.
Ruhi, another character in the story, was determined to prevent this marriage. Despite the ongoing preparations and the festive atmosphere, with the Poddars being asked to begin the veneration, Ruhi’s mind was solely focused on stopping the wedding. Kaveri, one of the elders, was concerned about Arman’s actions, feeling he had not considered the family’s honor and traditions. Although Madhav defended Arman, Kaveri was adamant about not allowing the festival to be overshadowed by Arman’s decisions. She instructed Rohit to continue with the rituals alongside Ruhi, but Rohit refused, demanding that Kaveri give her blessing to Arman and Abhira’s union.
Rohit’s refusal to follow Kaveri’s instructions created tension. He emphasized that Abhira was waiting for Kaveri’s acceptance of her relationship with Arman. However, Kaveri was firm in her stance, stating that no one could force her to accept the marriage. She directed Kajal and Sanjay to proceed with the veneration while sidelining Rohit.
Ruhi, who was supposed to perform the veneration with Rohit, was secretly plotting to halt the wedding. As she tried to figure out how to intervene, Manisha, another character, noticed her unusual behavior. Meanwhile, Abhira was deep in thought, recognizing the sacrifices Arman had made by leaving his family for her. She knew the risks but was resolute in her decision to support him. Arman, on the other hand, was at the temple, deeply concerned about whether Abhira would come through.
As the day progressed, Abhira accidentally received a blessing from Kaveri, who was unaware of the significance of the moment. Despite Kaveri’s harsh words, calling her crazy, Abhira remained hopeful that Kaveri would eventually accept her. Manisha, excited about the upcoming wedding, expressed her desire to join the ceremony, but Kaveri reprimanded her for it.
Finally, Abhira confirmed her decision to marry Arman, which made him overjoyed. Together, they planned to head to the temple to seal their union. Their joy was short-lived as they danced happily, unaware of the impending danger. Manisha pointed out that the Poddars had already missed the opportunity to witness Arman and Abhira’s wedding once and suggested that Kaveri should allow them this time. However, Kaveri stubbornly refused to give her blessing.
Madhav, feeling the weight of the situation, decided to support Arman and Abhira’s marriage. He announced that anyone willing to support the couple could join him, leading the Poddars to consider heading to the temple as well, much to Kaveri’s shock.
Just when everything seemed to be falling into place for the couple, the story took a dark turn. Arman received the devastating news that Abhira had been kidnapped. The news sent shockwaves through the group, with Manisha, Vidya, Madhav, Manoj, and others reacting with disbelief and concern. Rohit, who had been supportive of the marriage, immediately decided to stand by Arman in the search for Abhira, leaving Ruhi utterly shocked by the turn of events.
The episode ended on a cliffhanger, with Arman discovering that Kaveri was behind the kidnapping. In the preview for the next episode, it was revealed that Kaveri had taken this drastic step to prevent Arman and Abhira from getting married. She made it clear to Arman that he would have to pay dearly for his love for Abhira, leaving Arman in a state of shock and despair.
This unexpected twist has left fans eagerly waiting to see how the story will unfold and what fate awaits Abhira and Arman. The episode was a rollercoaster of emotions, with love, tension, and suspense gripping the audience from start to finish. As the characters grapple with the consequences of Kaveri’s actions, the viewers are left wondering if Abhira and Arman will ever be able to unite against all odds..
Episode ends.