On August 19, 2024, the episode of Yeh Hai Chahatein takes an intense turn as the drama escalates. Kaashvi and Mahima arrive at the venue for a mass wedding ceremony, with tensions already running high. Kaashvi is concerned and asks Mahima about Chanchal’s whereabouts. Mahima assures her that Chanchal is getting ready in her room. They head to the room, where Chanchal, distressed, pleads with Kaashvi to save her. She expresses her desire to continue her education rather than get married. Kaashvi promises to help her. However, Mahima interrupts by reminding Kaashvi that she hasn’t taken her medicine. After taking it, Kaashvi suddenly faints, leaving the situation even more precarious.
Meanwhile, Arjun, anxious and unable to wait any longer, attempts to contact Kaashvi, but her phone is switched off. His concern deepens when he decides to go to her, but upon arriving at Pradyumna’s house, he is met with resistance. Pradyumna, surprised by Arjun’s presence, confronts him, and when Arjun reveals he’s there to meet Kaashvi, Pradyumna orders his security guards to remove Arjun from the premises. Determined, Arjun waits outside, refusing to leave without seeing Kaashvi.
Back inside, the tension between Chanchal and Mahima escalates. Chanchal, clearly scared, admits she doesn’t want to get into trouble. But Mahima, irritated by Chanchal’s reluctance, slaps her and chastises her for not playing her part convincingly. She insists that their plan has just begun and must not fail. Chanchal, confused and scared, asks who is supposed to marry Kaashvi. At this moment, an old man enters the room, and Mahima informs him that his bride, Kaashvi, is ready. The old man is pleased, and Mahima proceeds to prepare an unconscious Kaashvi as a bride, planning for her to marry the elderly man.
Elsewhere, Karun is excited about his exam results and shares the news with Meera. Nitya, observing from a distance, notices that Karun isn’t paying her any attention, and she starts to worry that he will soon despise her. She meets with another man, indicating she has some sinister plan in mind, and asks him to carry out her orders.
Back at the wedding venue, the priest is puzzled by Kaashvi’s condition and inquires about her state. Mahima quickly lies, explaining that Kaashvi has been fasting for her marriage, and urges the priest to begin the wedding rituals. At this critical moment, Devansh spots Kaashvi and immediately informs Arjun of the situation. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Arjun rushes to the venue, determined to save Kaashvi from a forced marriage.
Pradyumna, who had been wondering why Kaashvi’s phone was off, overhears Arjun’s conversation with Devansh and decides to follow him. As the marriage rituals progress, the priest instructs Kaashvi and the groom to begin the pheres, the sacred rounds around the fire. Kaashvi, still unconscious, is supported by Mahima and Chanchal as they guide her through the pheres. Arjun, upon arriving, meets Devansh and tries to piece together what’s happening. Devansh tells Arjun that he saw Kaashvi with a girl and mentions that all the brides at the venue are dressed similarly, making it difficult to locate her. Arjun, desperate, declares that they must find Kaashvi no matter what.
The situation reaches its climax when the pheres are completed, and the priest instructs the groom to apply vermilion on Kaashvi’s forehead, signifying the final step in the marriage. Just as the old man is about to do so, Pradyumna suddenly intervenes, pushing the old man aside and applying the vermilion on Kaashvi’s forehead himself. This shocking turn of events leaves Arjun and Mahima stunned as the episode comes to an intense close.
In the upcoming episode preview, Karun confesses to Meera that he failed his exams, adding another layer of drama to the ongoing story. Meanwhile, Pradyumna reveals to Kaashvi the extent of Mahima’s deception, setting the stage for even more confrontations and twists in the story.
Episode ends.