In the episode of “Udne Ki Aasha” aired on July 27, 2024, the drama unfolds as Sayali and Sachin visit Roshni’s mother. Roshni, who is also there, hides in the bathroom to avoid being seen. Sayali and Sachin ask the aunt if she has any contact information for her daughter or son-in-law, but the lady lies, saying she doesn’t. Roshni panics seeing Sayali and Sachin together. After they leave to get money to pay the hospital bill, Roshni emerges from the bathroom and begs her mother to leave with her. Despite her mother’s reluctance, they run away together.
Sachin and Sayali discuss Supriya’s health, noting something odd in her behavior as if she’s hiding something. They plan to take Supriya to their home after her discharge, but when they return to the hospital, they learn from the receptionist that Supriya has been taken away by her relatives.
Meanwhile, Tejas visits his mother Renuka, who worries about his future because he is unemployed. She fears that if Roshni learns this, she might end her relationship with him, jeopardizing the financial support from Roshni’s father. When Sayali returns home, she is questioned about Supriya Devi but is interrupted by a relative. Paresh announces he has received money from Joy and gives it to Renuka.
The next morning, Renuka orders Sayali to prepare tea. A constable arrives, seeking Tejash for information about Isha. He reveals that Sayali’s brother once stole Sachin’s bike. This revelation gives Roshni and Renuka new ammunition to insult Sayali. Renuka accuses Sayali of trying to bankrupt them and insults her family. Tejash thanks God he didn’t marry Sayali.
Paresh, unaware of the full story, cannot defend Sayali. He asks Renuka to stop speaking to Sayali so harshly. Sayali remains quiet, as Roshni and Renuka never let her speak. Overwhelmed, Sayali breaks into tears and runs to her room. Paresh follows, trying to calm her, but worries about Sachin’s reaction to the truth. Sayali is very nervous.
Sayali’s brother arrives to meet her, but Renuka insults him, calling him a thief. During their conversation, he accidentally falls on Tejash, starting a fight. Roshni slaps Sayali’s brother, but Sayali stands up for him.