Two new detainees by the drug plot of the former UDEF chief

The National Police has arrested two other people for the drug trafficking plot in which the former Udef Chief of the National Police Headquarters of Madrid was allegedly participated. The two arrested have been located within the framework of a new phase of the operation in which new records and arrests have been practiced.

The arrests have been practiced a week after the arrest of the couple of El Campello (Alicante) that was arrested after surrendering in a police station for their relationship with the fruit company with which the importation of the 13 tons of cocaine found in the port of Algeciras (Cádiz).

That intervention last November of the 13 tons of cocaine by the Police and the Tax Agency was considered The greatest stash of this drug seized in Spain and the second throughout Europe.

The Chivatazo of the Udef Chief

These last two detainees are added to the two leaders of the drug trafficking plot that were delivered last week at the Chamberí police station in Madrid. The couple managed a fruit company Alicante that worked like front And he was going to receive the greatest drug stash in Spain from 13 tons of cocaine that was intervened in the port of Algeciras in October.

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As Okdiario already advanced, it is Viulma J., of Ecuadorian nationality and his 58 -year -old partner who suffers a kidney disease And I needed dialysis. For weeks, the police were looking for those escaped by the hospitals in Madrid, but they fled from the capital and later abroad where he did receive medical treatment.

In fact, it is because of the escape of these two people for which the police also imputes a crime of revelation of secrets Officers to the inspector of the UDEF of Madrid who hid 20 million euros. Internal affairs researchers accuse him of giving the couple the couple. Thanks to the alleged alert of the Chief of Antibanqueo, the representative of the Balkan Cartel In Spain and their right hand they had time to escape the police operation that has resulted in 15 detainees and more than 13 tons of cocaine requisitioned.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at