Tomás Rufo comes to shoulders of the Plaza de Valencia after cutting two ears at the Fallas Fair

Toledo Tomás Rufo came to shoulders, With the benevolent concession of a second earat the end of today’s run of the Fallas Fair, in which José María Manzanares and Roca Rey de Toros de Jandilla and the Parralejo also walked that gave options to the list for a major and more resounding triumph. Rufo has already obtained the first of the third bull in the afternoon, a third specimen of jandilla that had the virtue of the nobility only in the absence of a greater point of thrust, although SIn counting on the help of your matadorthat bother him almost always very much on the cites.

But it was half of the transteo onwards when Toledo’s better understood the need for the bull, which, with more air, also rammed longer in two good and temperate batches of natives that endorsed that ear but no longer the second that the public requested after a perpendicular lunge and a decar.

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The sixth, one of the most curdled specimens of jandilla, did not have great weight, since the president He granted it very generously after a sword in the bass. Before, Rufo’s crutch task, which had greeted Toro to Portagayola, also did not reach large dimensions, while, almost always from the python shovel, he spliced ​​the passes at high speed to a chestnut that took the deceptions with length on the right side.

Already the first chapter of the afternoon had closed with an ear of measured value to Manzanares, which at least contributed with temper patient and a greater seat to break forward with delivery a deep Cinqueño of El Parralejo that began brilling into the deceptions. But for the request he told more the spectacular way in which the Alicante turned to the sword.

On the other hand, with the room, the most insecure Manzanares were seen again, that of the sudden crutches, almost always pulls without a pulse, which evidently did not help to settle a of a jandilla also just a presence and that asked for a better treatment to display his clear nobility. The ear that Roca Rey obtained with the fifth, while the first of his lot, of vibrant bravery, He ended up skirting after the strong Puyazo that allowed his matadorleaving him without the obvious options he offered. On the other hand, the Cinqueño of El Parralejo, something rod of makers, was made without so emotion but without offering major problems.

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Counting with the favor of the public who again filled the square to his claim, Roca moved it without tightening and without many ideas During a first part of inconsequential Muleteo, until he returned to pull effects, with widths and circulars very close to the pythons, to provoke that trophy request that arrived after another one of the defective lunges that were seen in the run.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at