Hundreds of people have traveled this Sunday in the center of Madrid in the demonstration yes to life to defend «the right to be born“And say”Not abortion», On the occasion of the International Day of Life held on March 25. Dyed green hope, the march, organized by the Platform yes to lifehas gathered from 12:00 to more than 500 associations They have manifested to claim that life is “from conception to natural death.”
In the march they have seen slogans Like: “The embryo is a human being”, “abortion stops a heart beating” or “the right to life is for everyone, without exception.” Phrases written in posters held by attendees while walking through the center of Madrid until the Colón Plaza. There, several families have reported their testimony.
«They offered us interrupt pregnancy. And, before this, that it was a shock, we were very sad, we were clear. We are one Christian family And every life of my children is worth it. There were about seven doctors in the consultation, and in a sepulchral silence, we told them that we are a Christian family, that we were going to put all the means that were within our reach, but it would be God who decided in the end Pedro’s life ». And as you can see, Pedro is here, he has two serious diseases. Pedro has Prunne-Bell syndrome and amniotic flange syndrome, ”explained a mother with her nine children and her husband.
On the same scenario in which he subsequently acted Green Velveta live ultrasound was performed Isabel Riveroa woman who suffered a infertility “Very complicated” and that today is pregnant of 26 weeks. «We are going to see Jesus and listen to his beat. As every life counts, every life also matters from its beginning, ”said Maria, her gynecologist.
A Minute of silence and the green balloons that have accompanied all the concentration “in memory of the victims of the death culture».
Vox He has participated in the march and his national family spokeswoman, Ainhoa GarcíaHe stressed that his presence is to “defend the right of the most vulnerable to the impositions of the culture of the death of the government and other parties.”
«Not a single public money to finance those entities that profit from abortion. We can only allocate the money to protect our families, to protect life. And that defense of life also goes through the elaboration of a law that protects to the sick of Palliative carebut not only to them, but also their relatives, who are often the great abandoned, ”he said.
“We cannot be in a society where the sick are considered a ballast,” Garcia said in statements to the media before the march began.