This is how Doñana’s marsh from space with heavy rains is seen

The image of March 11 of the Sentinel-2 satellite shows “a generalized flood of the marsh” in Doñana, which “has increased in later days», Since it is appreciated that all the lucios, Marisma Baja and Caños« appear flooded with a sheet of water that in some points has reached the depth meter ».

This has been highlighted by the Natural Space of Doñana (End) in its social media profiles that, although It is being “difficult” to obtain clear images of the marism situation, due to the persistence of cloudinessthe image of March 11 of the Sentinel-2 satellite has captured a “very timely window of almost the entire National Park”.

From the Doñana – CSIC Biological Stationits director, Eloy Revilla, emphasizes that “the rain we have had in autumn, this winter and in this first month of meteorological spring they are coming great to Doñana and the entire region.”

Doñana Marisma Recovery

The director of the biological station points out that «In Doñana we have a recovery of the marshes that are flooded right now. The vegetation is also recovering and hopefully the effect on the aquifer that will take longer to be noticed ».

In this sense, the ED has pointed out that the reference pluviometer, in the IFAPA Agroclimatic Stationlocated north of El Rocío, “almost 545 liters per square meters have been collected”, although other stations of the National Park “have exceeded 700 liters per square meter”, and the one located northwest of the Guadiamar pipe, within the term of Aznalcázar records “just 440 liters per square meter”, so “the differences between areas are significant.”

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Nevertheless, In the satellite image it can be seen that all lucos, Marisma Baja and Caños «appear flooded with a sheet of water which at some points has reached the deep meter ».

Marsh of Doñana flooded
Marsh of Doñana flooded Image of the Sentinel-2 satellite about Doñana. (Photo: Europa Press / Natural Space of Doñana)

Rosario de Lagunas

In addition, the entity highlights «The width of the Guadiamar pipe north of the FAO wall, The continuity of the mass of water from the mother and the entire fennel marsh to Juncabalejo; the connection of the majority of southern lucos; The mischievous stream in Entremuros, although it is not appreciated in the image, is also contributing An important volume of water to the Marsh of Doñana».

On the other hand, in terms of peridunar lagoons “they have greatly increased their level,” highlighting that in Laguna Dulce “the levels mark almost 1.30 meters deep,” but in Santa Olalla “even more.”

The image taken on March 16 of the western sector of the natural park also shows «The rosary of lagoons that have been filled with this rainfall episodegiving this sector an aspect that it had not had for almost 15 years ». Some available data of the Water Contributions from La Rocina to the Marsh in this episode of rain shows «volumes of almost 50 cubic hectometers».

Reproduction campaign

From Doñana, Eloy Revilla explains that “the fact that we have the marsh with a good flood It will allow on these date to start a reproduction campaignas soon as time is calmed down and the heat comes, of the aquatic birds that pass the spring and the beginning of summer »

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Revilla in statements to National Radio, maintains that the reproduction of birds «Be good, to be more in line with normality compared to those that we have had the previous yearsin which the lack of water has prevented reproduction mostly to aquatic birds for the aquifer ».

«You have to also take into account that reproduction, if good, will allow more individuals to be, so The risk of disappearance of some species will also be less», Adds.

Santa Olalla
Santa Olalla Laguna de Santa Olalla last October 2024 (Photo: Alejandro Muñoz, Biological Station of Doñana – CSIC)

Vegetation improvement

As for the goodness of these water contributions, he points out that “thanks to these rains the vegetation will enter into summer in a better physiological state. They are going to endure the trees betterabove all, which are the ones who have suffered the most these years because there has been great mortality ».

As for the future of this protected area, the director concludes that «Doñana is in a Mediterranean area And that makes us have those contrasts between very dry and winter summers that have water. It is part of the dynamics of the system and What is important is that we have a succession of years that are reasonably humid to allow him to recover moderately ».


Precisely, on February 6, the Instagram account of the Doñana Biological Station took the balance of rainfall and its effect on this wet space.

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In this way I reported that in total there were 300 mm of rainfall in terms of amount collected since September at the Manual Station of the Doñana Palace, in the heart of the Doñana National Park.

«This figure exceeds the average of the last ten yearsbut it is among the average values ​​of an winter in Doñana ». However, they warned from the publication that, at present, «The foil of marsh is extensive, with around 16,000 hectares floodedalthough shallow for what is usual on these dates ».

More water sheet but shallow

Specifically, the flooded areas were mainly the northern and center of the Marsh of Hinojos (Galician Marism) and Aznalcázar (Marismas of the naughty). However, although extensive, «The sheet is still shallow », Below the usual for these dates, ”they said from the biological station.

At that time, month and a half ago, despite the fact that the rains recorded until then are approaching the average of the last decade, They were still insufficient. «This is due to a Great water deficitwhich prevents the marsh from flooding to the usual average level of winter, ”they explained from Doñana.

To restore the normal functioning of ecosystems, there should be a very large surplus, that is, una succession of humid years above averageas well as reduce the extractions of the aquifer, currently overexploited, concluded in this publication of early February, an argument very similar to the one that the station director currently wields.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at