The second vice president and Department of Environment, Rural Environment and Sports of the Consell de Mallorca, Pedro Bestard (VOX) has attended the 2025 hunting fair, where he has announced that his department has initiated the procedure for certification of quality of hunting at the public fincas of the island institution.
Bestard has visited this Saturday the official stand of the Consell de Mallorca at the specialized hunting fair, which is being held at the IFEMA Fairgrounds in Madrid, from March 20 to 23, and where the Boc Balearic as a unique species in the world and offers information on the peculiarities of hunting activity on the island.
During his presence at the Fair, Bestard explained that “work is already being done on the procedure for the declaration of hunting, as well as certification of its public farms, within the scope of the High Hunting Quality certificate, based on Decree 91/2006, of October 27, of regulation of Caprinous populations, ordering of the hunting exploitation of the wild goat Mallorcan and modification of the technical plans.”
Thus, Bestard recalled that the Consell de Mallorca has emblematic public farms, such as Tossals Verds, are Fortuny, are Massip, So N’amer or Sa Coma d’En in Vidal, «with populations managed of wild goat Mallorcan (Bale Balear) of great relevance. These farms initially constituted hunting preserves, subsequently through the figure of controlled hunting and fauna shelters, ”he said in this regard.
However, he has detailed that “very soon these public farms will hold the bad management badBoc Balearic) »and has remarked that« the social, dissemination and mirror function of good practices must be inherent in public ownership farms, so it is expected that the task of field management of the Consell officials, always with the active involvement of the hunting entities and civil society, find the best place and the greatest dissemination in media, social networks, social networks, fairs and public events ».
In this sense, number two of the Consell de Mallorca has clarified that “this step would not have been possible without the historical collaboration of hunter associations of various modalities, whose implication and altruism deserves the greatest consideration and respect, and with which it will continue to be told to continue with the work done.”
“The Major Hunting Quality certificate entails the censored and individualized monitoring of the Caprinas populations in terms of genetic quality and density,” explained Pedro Bestard, who has assured that, in this way, “with a lower number of specimens we managed to protect the flora of the farms and avoid the erosion of the land. We will also get the populations of this animal to be in a better physiological state ».
Quality Management Model
The wild goat Mallorcan, internationally known as Boc Balear, is an insular form of unique and exclusive anthropic origin of Mallorca that involves an original genetic resource that must be preserved from several areas of conservation. It constitutes, in turn, a goat of great trophistic value.
This has encouraged that an increasing number of private farms are expected to this management model, since it implies a control of the cape populations while generating added value.
The wild goat can only be hunting and marketing in the preserves and farms with a certificate of major hunting, low seal and under the supervision of major hunting guides accredited by the Consell de Mallorca, or by environmental agents of the same administration. The copies that are dejected are the necessary to demographically stabilize the population to a controlled density.
That is why, as Bestard explained, that with the quality certification in the public farms managed by the island institution «it will advance in a quality management model, technically based on combining hunting and conservation, it is combined with a message in positive for the environment, for society, for farms and owners, as well as for the hunters and managers of wild populations themselves».
«It is a bet that will generate favorable dynamics for new private farms in the Serra de Tramuntana and in the Artà Peninsula, which will receive all the necessary technical advice from the Department of the Environment of the Consell de Mallorca.