This food does not stop raising and will burst the shopping cart

Can that after crisis that we lived a while ago for the olive oil pricenow comes another that has to do with another ingredient or basic food for practically all Spanish homes? A product that has just launched a strong notice Organization of consumers and users (OCU), Since its price is already rising in our country, after doing so in the United States. Take note because this food does not stop rising in price and will burst the purchase basket

The OCU He has not hesitated to warn of the strong increase in an essential food that is part of the usual diet of millions of people and that is none other than the eggs. Its price does not stop climbing and threatens to further destabilize a shopping basket already quite punished. But the problem is not just that it costs more, but that it rises at a dizzying pace, mainly affecting families with less resources. The situation worries so much that OCU has demanded an intervention to prevent this basic product from becoming a luxury. In recent weeks, labels have changed dramatically in supermarkets, and What was paid before a little more than two euros, now it is dangerously approaching all three. And the worst part is that there is no clear reason that justifies this increase.

Unlike other previous crises in which production costs were fired, this time the increase seems to come from the other side. The OCU does not rule out that there may be speculative movements behind, That is, an artificial increase in the price that does not respond to the cost of feeding chickens or energy expenses. Everything indicates that we are facing a perfect storm that could continue to get worse if it does not act quickly.

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The food that has triggered its price and from which the OCU warns

The OCU makes it clear in its last report: The egg is the food that has raised the most price so far this year. Specifically, the 12 -egg package of M size, which used to cost between 2.07 and 2.10 euros, has reached 2.60 euros. It’s a increase of 25.2%, A figure well above the rhythm of general inflation and that is especially alarming if we take into account the frequency with which this product is consumed. We do not talk about an occasional whim, but of a basic that is part of breakfast, meals and dinners in many homes.

The phenomenon is not limited to a single type of egg. The size have also experienced a remarkable rise, 15.4%, and other formats have followed the same trend. LThe chickens eggs raised on soil have risen 20.2%, the camperos 16% and the ecological onesalthough to a lesser extent, they have also seen their price increase in a 6.8%. This means that, regardless of the variety that is consumed, the blow to the pocket is secured.

Why are the eggs up so much?

The big question is why. What is causing this accused ascent? In other times, the high electricity and fuel costs necessary to maintain the farms were used to keep the feed. However, this time no relevant increases have been detected in production costs that justify an increase in such magnitude. It is true that there has been a slight rebound in the price in origin, but not so significant as to move to the consumer with such forcefulness.

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The OCU has focused on possible speculative practices by some market operators. In a nutshell, it is feared that certain companies are taking advantage of the perception of shortage to inflate prices without real justification. Although this is difficult to prove without an official investigation, it is a pattern that has already been seen in other times of economic crisis, when some market actors seek to obtain extraordinary benefits at the expense of consumer pocket.

The impact of aviar flu and global perception of scarcity

Another factor that could be influencing this situation is The avian flu crisis that affects the United States. There, the shortage of eggs has reached such an extreme that the price of a dozen has reached 12 euros in certain supermarkets. Although in Spain a lack of supply has not been detected, the global feeling that the product begins to scarce is altering the markets, even before there is a true lack of stocks.

This type of perceptions (beyond real data) has a very powerful impact on prices. The fear that the product runs out leads some distributors to raise prices preventivelyas a mattress in case the situation gets out of control. In the end, this anticipation ends up directly affecting the consumer, which pays more for a food that, for now, is still available. And the worst: this can become a self -fulfilling prophecy if demand triggers precisely because of that unfounded fear.

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OCU asks urgent measures to stop this trend

Given this panorama, the OCU has asked the competent authorities to actively supervise the egg market and act if they detect irregularities. The objective is not SOFor protect the consumer of unjustified increases, but also guarantee that prices really reflect production costswithout margin for artificial inflations. In an economic context in which many families already have to adjust each euro, any unnecessary increase can become a real social problem.

In addition, from the OCU it insists on a very practical recommendation: Compare prices between different supermarkets. Although the increase affects the market in a general way, there are notable differences between chains, and the consumer can save several cents (or even euros) depending on the establishment in which he bought. The organization recalls that information and planning remain key tools to reduce the impact of this food crisis on a day -to -day basis.

A basket of the purchase increasingly difficult to assume

The case of egg increase is only the tip of the iceberg. In recent months, many basic products have been more expensive, From oil to fruits and vegetables, through meat or dairy products. But what turns eggs into a specially worrying case is their essential character and their frequency of consumption. It is not only a matter of prices, but of accessibility: if even so basic foods become inaccessible, The economic balance of millions of families staggers.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at