They manipulate police records to hide a consultation on the deletion of García Ortiz’s mobile

High positions of the National Police Corps may allegedly altered official records to eliminate evidence of a consultation made to the State Attorney General related to the deletion of the mobile phone of the Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz.

This is what follows after verifying that the application of Police Registration Regpol was out of service from January 14 to 27, an unusually long period that would have been used to modify sensitive information in internal systems.

During the thirteen days that the application remained inaccessible, users found a message that indicated: «On the occasion of an urgent synchronization, necessary for the consolidation of records, the Regpol application is temporarily out of service. It is expected to serve normally on Monday, January 27 ».

During the thirteen days that the application remained inaccessible.

However, when the platform was operational again, significant changes were detected in certain records, specifically in an advisory application directed by the State Attorney General to the head commissioner of the Computer Security Brigade.

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The alterations would have been subtle but significant. While the registration number and the time of the application remained intact, the content of the text would have been substantially modified. Where detailed information about the consultation appeared before, now only the brief phrase “requesting prosecution writing” appears.

The alterations would have been subtle but significant.

In addition, according to various sources consulted by the X channel Stream bipartisanshipthe email of the official linked to the case would have been eliminated, allegedly “to prevent it from being charged and comes to declare.”

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at