These behaviors can make your dog hate you

Our dogs They are much more than simple pets: they are loyal friends who share with us Moments of happiness. However, although we consider them one more member of our family, sometimes, we misunderstood their needs and feelings. There are behaviors that, although well -intentioned, can be a source of discomfort, stress or even anxiety for them.

He language That we use with them is not the same as they use with each other, which can generate misunderstandings. It is important to recognize these gestures so that we can offer them a happier and more balanced lifepromoting a relationship based on mutual respect and empathy. Understanding your signals and emotions is essential to strengthen the link we share with them.

Behaviors that dogs do not tolerate

Recognizing and respecting the limits of our dogs is essential to maintain a harmonious and happy relationship. Understanding what behaviors can cause them discomfort or stress makes us more conscious and responsible owners, which ensures the well -being of our hairy friends. Through small gestures, such as a stable routine, and a greater understanding of their body language, we can offer them a quiet life full of love and affection.


The game is a crucial activity for the mental and emotional development of dogs. Many times, during the game, we throw a toy waiting for them to catch it, but when we constantly prevent them from doing so, they can feel frustration and stress. For dogs, catching a toy is not only fun, but it is also related to their hunting instincts.

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If we prevent the dog from getting the object repeatedly, we can be generating a negative and stressful experience. Allowing him to catch the toy reinforces his sense of achievement, so it is important to balance the game, letting the dog have the opportunity to achieve his goal, but also establishing limits.


Hugs are a habitual way of showing affection, but for dogs, this gesture can have negative connotations. For them, the hug can be interpreted as a control or domination form. Dogs do not hug each other naturally, and physical contact can make them feel trapped, which generates discomfort. In many cases, dogs try to free themselves from the hug or show signs of discomfort, such as moving their heads, looks away or tightening their body.

Some dogs can tolerate this type of contact due to the link they have with their owners, but it does not mean that they enjoy it. According to recent studies, more than 80% of the dogs photographed while they were hugging them showed Signs of stresslike ears back, lick your lips or try to get away. For them, a hug is not a demonstration of love, but an imposition. Instead of hugging them, it is preferable to opt for soft caresses, especially in areas such as the back or behind the ears.

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In canine language, direct and prolonged visual contact can be interpreted as A threat or a challenge. While for humans, look can serve to connect emotionally, in dogs, prolonged visual contact can be intimidating. If a dog is not familiar with us, this type of contact can make him feel discomfort or even fear.

When we stare at a dog, especially one that we do not know well, we can be generating an anxiety response. The dog can get away, growl or barkshowing stress signs. It is important to be aware that, although our intention is good, the dog can interpret the gaze as an act of confrontation. To avoid misunderstandings, it is best to interact relaxed, avoiding visual contact, and allowing the dog to decide whether or not.


Smell is the more developed sense in dogs And it is one of the ways in which they explore their surroundings. When we get him for a walk, it is essential to give him the opportunity to sniff and explore his surroundings at his own pace. Restricting this natural behavior can generate frustration, since for the dog, the olfate is not a simple curiosity, but a way of knowing the world that surrounds it.

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Allowing a dog to explore with his nose during the walks enriches his experience, and also reduces his stress and helps him feel more relaxed. It is not about letting the dog spend hours, but to give it the opportunity to investigate smells of your own rhythm to meet your cognitive needs.

In conclusion, Understand and respect the limits of the dogs It is key to a healthy and happy coexistence. By recognizing their signals and adapting to their needs, we can avoid situations that cause them discomfort or anxiety. Promoting a relationship based on trust, respect and empathy improves your well -being and strengthens the emotional bond between us and our pets.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at