Reagan said that there is no more dark phrase than that of “Hello, I am the government, and I come to help you.” Five years have passed, and thousands of deaths in Spain, And the immoral capacity of this government has not been diminished when they do politics with the victims. The antipatria left, inserts in that autocratic movement called Sanchismo, never missed the occasion to convince us that its disappearance is the vaccine that all liberal democracy needs. If the socialists already used the dead with the 11m, tragedy and infamy that brought them to power unworthy, what were not going to do with the dead left by their management of the pandemic? The main responsible for not taking care of those who left their lives for lack of information and political sectarianism was the PSOE and Podemos government. Not autonomies, Beyond certain decisions that can be discussed, but that should not go beyond the free position of each one. But the facts obey the truth and this is the enemy of those who today direct Moncloa.
Henchids of hatred and ideology, prioritized their banner to citizen health and They launched to the crowd When they already knew about the lethality of a virus, then unknown. Take advantage of a tragedy to project your personal miseries in the political adversary is typical of mediocre politicians, but to promote and sponsor documentaries in Prime Time With public money and use the Propaganda Ministry As a weapon to hide the truth and flee from your criminal responsibilities, it is of dictator in the bud. The socialist regime and its palm trees They blame Ayuso of what happened in Madrid And they articulate an infamous documentary that nobody saw in theaters and nobody believed on the regime’s television, which he paid to socialize pain when we know that the single command and the ultimate decisions were made by Sánchez and Iglesias. Here the real propaganda must rumble, because Madrid did not live the worst numbers of the pandemic, but those regions under socialist governments. And while people died, Ábalos lined up with the masks and left prostitutes, Illa gave contracts to friendly companies and the friends of Begoña Gómez did business with the President’s Placet. But this pandemic does not yet have the documentary that narrates it.
The fault is ours, for thinking that there is something of virtue in those who consider socialism The best policy and for having. Each of the scoundrels that disabled what the Coronavirus was are part of the army of malefactors that protect Sánchez and his project to demolish democracy, living public contracts and subsidies to get stronger and harder and fleshy of the progress more abject and submissive. There Simón continues sitting chair in freedom, When I should be in prison for prioritizing messages from his master to public health. There continue Broncano and Mejide, with their millionaire programs on television, when they laughed in live Covid, while dozens of families buried their loved ones. There are all those that were to the 8m manifest With gloves, because they already knew what was happening and yet they shut up “because machismo killed more than the virus.” And there they will all continue because of a indolent Spanish people, an opposition as foolish as negligent, when not complicit, of this autocratic dystopia, and some means as servile as unusable, responsible for hiding reality to the Spaniards for a handful of euros.
We are still Without knowing the truth of 11m Because the PSOE government then wanted it. But we do know the truth of what happened in that kidnapped Spain in their homes and with the democracy chained to the whims and decrees of a sociopath tyrant and his entourage of illiterate despots. There is no worse pandemic than the government, greater viruses than socialism or a coronavirus as harmful as Pedro Sánchez. And it is demonstrated with each decision and declaration, in which hate and lie again condemn the same Spain that has been infected by the greatest farce of humanity that lives from having the best propaganda in history. His documentaries have cost us.