Macarena Olona, former vox deputya complaint has formalized on Tuesday aggressions suffered in the Granada Law Faculty, where he assures that a group of hooded He touched on his “Intimate areas” without consent and le He started hair until it causes bleeding wounds in the scalp.
In a message posted in X, he recounts how the attack occurred while trying to access a colloquium entitled Feminism and lawaccusing the rector of the University of Granada to prevent police entry into the enclosure and allow some 40 radicals They will form a human barrier to block it. The National Police He has arrested two people for alleged attack against authority agents, according to sources from the Subdelegation of the government and the police itself.
See you in court.
The rector of the University of Granada prohibited police force from entering the university enclosure.
While allowing a group of hooded to form a violent human barrier to prevent us from celebrating a colloquium in the …
– Macarena Olona (@Macarena_olona) March 18, 2025
The incident took place on Monday, when several dozen people in “hostile” attitude tried to prevent the entry of Olona to the Auditorium. «Given the impossibility of crossing the human barrier we had two options: to retire or skip it over. We chose to defend freedom, ”wrote the former deputy. As seen in the videos disseminated in networks, it can be seen how Olonawith support from his companions, he jumped on the protesters while the agents of the UIP They intervened to open the way. According to his story, the police intervention was key: “I did not end up kicked on the ground thanks to the forces of the order”, which acted when witnessing a flagrant crime.
The act, organized by Regenerationhad been rejected by eleven entities, such as the Permanent Student Assembly wave Trade Union Coordination of Andalusiathat see it as a platform for “reactionary positions” against LGTBI rights, women and working class. However, it is difficult to justify that a small group of hooded, with tactics that Olona compares with those of the CDR Catalans, can alter such a violent way in a university space, where the Freedom of expression should be guaranteed.
Olona He ended at the hospital after the altercation, but highlights that the injuries that hurt them are those of the agents of the UIPone of them with a fracture. “See you in court,” he sentenced in X, thanking the support received and the role of the State Security Forces and Bodies. It is not the first time that he faces protests in this place: on September 15, 2022, a Escrache He brought together hundreds of people, although he managed to give his conference. Now, with a balance of wounded and arrests, the case leaves questions about security and order in an environment that should not tolerate this type of violence.