The popular group accuses the president of Congress, Francina Armengolto convert the lower house into a «doormat»At the service of the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchez. The spokesman popular, Miguel TelladoHe has announced that they study to raise a complaint against the table against Armengol for “stealing” their rights to the deputies of the PP.
After the anger of the week between the PP and the Congress table, then chaired by the socialist Alfonso Rodríguez Gómez of Celis -In the absence of Armengol-, who refused to admit a dictation of the Senate in Congress, the spokesman popular has pointed to the existence of a covenant No written between the leader of the Executive and the highest authority of the Chamber. «It seems that the commitment between Sánchez and Armengol is something like the exchange of congresses, I make the Balearic PSOE Congress If you get me not losing in the Congress of Deputies, ”Tellado insisted.
At a press conference after the Board of Spokesmen held today in the CongressPP has accused the president socialist of having placed the camera «At the service of the PSOE” and “of the interests of Pedro Sánchez». “Not only has all the deputies be deprived of being able to vote in their integrity a text approved by the Plenary of the Senate but also, it was tried to silence and silence the different parliamentary groups,” he denounced.
The independence parties of Esquerra Republican and Jonsas well as the popular group itself, they demonstrated last week against the decision of the table -dominated by the PSOE and add -that accepted the veto filed by the Government four amendments of these groups included in the Food waste bill. A “hit»Without precedents that from the PP denounced as a clear performance of«prevarication»On the part of the governing body of the lower house.
According to the spokesman for the popular group, this event was about what he calls a «pure method Armengol“, that is to say, “he Winting absolute»Of the General Courts by the Government. “Armengol has once again placed Congress as Felpudo de Sánchez, it is his claim and is the mandate received from the government’s own president,” he insisted.
Complaint against Armengol
«We have raised a formal protest because the table, arbitrarily and with the report against the major lawyer of the Congress, They decided to mutilate an approved text in the Senate and that should be discussed in the plenary session of the Conrges, ”Tellado insisted. According to him, they decided to “mutilate him” because several of his amendments, “were annoying of Sánchez.”
In this regard, from the PP they have recalled that if someone can reject an agreement of the Senate it is the Plenary of Congress, not the Congress table ». Similarly, the spokesman for the popular group has insisted that a text that has accused of being «adulterated” and “mutilated», Without before, all groups had been provided to a legality or a letter that respond to their resources.
For the popular group in Congress, the «contempt»To the dictates of the Senate they are not a«Isolated fact ». “It is the last sample of contempt for the Legislative Power that has been happening systematically” since the beginning of the Legislature, as recalled Miguel Tellado.
However, since the popular group they have also launched a warning against Armengol. “If they believe that we are going to let us go, to let the rights of more than 130 deputies be trampled, or the mandate that comes from the Upper House,” said his spokesman in Congress, and has pointed out that all possible attempts will resort to the rights of deputies in Congress.