The fault is from the king and his vacation in Castilla y León

The sayings They have centuries transmitting advice and teachings from generation to generation. They are so simple and direct that we remember them effortlessly, and the best thing is that there is one for almost any situation.

In Spain, everyone has heard phrases like «More cool than an eight“,” Better than Count or Duke, Fraile de Guadalupe “or” more wanted the old woman to die than the winds of April. ” And, of course, “being in Babia”, an expression that we use daily without stopping to think about its origin.

Although it is usual to say it when someone is distracted, few know where it really comes from. In this article we tell you the story behind this curious phrase that, after knowing its meaning, you may use more intention.

Where does the saying about ‘being in Babia’ come from?

The most widespread origin of this expression leads us to Babiaa Leonese region surrounded by mountains and away from the hustle and bustle of the court. In the Middle Ages, the kings of León took refuge there to disconnect from the government and rest. It was not just any retirement, but its way of escape from noise and throne obligations.

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If someone asked about the monarch in those rest days, the answer was clear: “It is in Babia.” Over time, the phrase began to be used to refer to Anyone who seems to be in another worldoblivious to what happens around him.

In a way, we can say that the true “creators” of the expression were the Leon kings themselves and their vacation in Castilla y León.

Another theory points to the transhumant shepherds of Extremadura, who spent months in Babia with their herds. Upon returning home, Many kept their heads in those quiet landscapesand their companions released them: “Hey, that you are in Babia!”, Reference to their disconnection.

There are also those who believe that “Babia” comes from the word “drool”, linked in some regions of naivety or simplicity. Hence the idea that Babia was a “Earth of fools». But this explanation has less weight than the previous ones.

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The funny thing is that, centuries later, Babia remains an ideal destination to disconnect from daily stress. Its mountains and the calm that is breathed in their landscapes continue to attract those who seek to escape from noise and routine.

Why do we continue using the sayings?

The case of these expressions does not follow the logic of trends in social networks, which last a few weeks and then disappear. The sayings, however, They have resisted the passage of timetransmitting teachings and reflecting the way of thinking of each era.

The best thing is that they are short and easy to remember phrases, capable of condenseing experiences and ways of understanding life. Although many have a humorous tone, in the background They seek to offer advice or warnings applicable to any situation.

And although no one imagines that when using a saying is connecting with the life of royalty, with “being in Babia”, somehow, we approach it a little.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at