The Civil Guard tries to locate the parapentist who forced the operations of the Palma Airport to stop

The Civil Guard is trying to locate the parapentist who forced the operations of the Palma Airport for 15 minutes to fly over the vicinity of the airfield.

The Patrols of the Civil Guard and the National Police could not locate the person this Sunday and an investigation has been opened to identify it. As reported by research sources, for the moment it has not been clarified whether it was one or two people.

The emergence of the paragliding near the Palma airport at around 1:00 p.m. forced operations for 15 minutes. At that time, three flights from Bremen, Zaragoza and Paris deviated to the Airport of Menorca. Meanwhile, one from Madrid deviated to the Ibiza airfield.

The incident is considered a serious offense in the Air Safety Law, punishable by a fine of up to 90,000 euros. The fine could be much higher if it is considered a very serious offense.

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Emily L., the artisan of words, Her prose dances, sings like birds. In the realm of content, her voice is heard. To reach out, drop an email to Emily at