On the night of July 31, 2024, the episode of “Shaitani Rasmein” unfolded with unexpected twists and intense drama. Netra confided in Piyush, explaining that Rachna had witnessed something disturbing and that Nikki’s behavior was a result of it. She assured Piyush that she had managed the Rachna situation and suggested they focus on trapping Nikki. Piyush dismissed the idea as nonsense. He believed that Nikki, being special and known as Swarnaprabha, had performed numerous Shaitani Rasmein and needed to remain conscious to continue them. He reassured Netra that by tonight, he would obtain a new body, and Nikki would be powerless to interfere.
Later, Nikki observed Piyush heading towards the basement, recalling his warning to stay away from there. Curious and suspicious, she followed him. When confronted, she denied trailing him, claiming she couldn’t sleep and was wandering. Piyush, too, admitted he couldn’t sleep and reassured her by standing between her and Malik, preventing any harm. Their conversation took a romantic turn, but Nikki grew alarmed upon noticing his hand on the mirror. Feeling unwell and frightened, she excused herself, increasingly convinced something was amiss with Piyush.
Netra awaited Piyush in another scene, where he revealed his anticipation of acquiring a new body thanks to Nikki, who was unaware and asleep in her room. Nikki, observing them from a distance, grew more perplexed. Piyush inquired about the Kapal, and Netra handed it over, affirming that his new body would be ready by night. Referring to Piyush as Malik, Netra asked about the transition of Malik’s soul into the new body. Piyush, transforming into a monster, assured her it would happen soon. Nikki, witnessing this transformation, realized Malik’s soul resided in Piyush’s body. She recalled past incidents following Malik’s death, questioning the current state of Piyush’s soul.
In a sinister conversation, Piyush informed Netra that Piyush’s soul had to die for the new body to take over and mocked Nikki’s inability to confront Malik alone. As both laughed, Nikki, horrified, fled the scene. Hearing a noise, Netra searched the basement and then the hall, while Nikki hid behind a sofa. Netra sensed her presence, but Sumitra arrived just in time to shield Nikki, prompting Netra to leave. When Sumitra inquired about Nikki’s distress, she hesitated to reveal the truth, especially with Piyush nearby.
The episode ended with a cliffhanger. In the precap, Netra demanded a sacrifice from the Gehlots for Malik. Nikki resolved to locate Piyush’s soul, while Piyush’s soul, determinedly, vowed not to be separated from Nikki.