On August 7, 2024, an intense episode of “Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya: Shiv Shakti” aired, capturing viewers’ attention with dramatic events at Kashyap Niwas. The episode begins with Shakti, determined to expose Mohini’s true nature. She believes Mohini is responsible for harming Karthik and plans to throw a medical solution on her. Shiv intervenes, reminding Shakti that as a future doctor, she must consider the potential harm the solution could cause. Despite his warnings, Shakti persists, leading Shiv to call for Nandu and others to restrain her. In a desperate move to calm Shakti, Shiv administers anesthesia, causing her to lose consciousness.
Meanwhile, Koyal is comforted by Dharam, who assures her that she will set everything right and win everyone’s hearts. Koyal’s determination is evident as she agrees with Dharam and prepares to tackle the challenges ahead.
The tension escalates when the forest department arrives at Kashyap Niwas to capture a snake. Keertan, a family member, expresses relief, stating they should have called the forest department sooner. The forest department successfully captures the snake, identified by Mohini as Beera. Mohini insists on taking the snake back to her village, claiming it is considered a god there. However, the forest department decides to release the snake into the forest instead.
In the kitchen, Manorama and Koyal’s interactions highlight domestic tensions. Manorama insists on preparing their meals separately and subtly hints at her concerns about the large quantity of vegetables Koyal ordered. When Dharam returns with spoiled vegetables, Koyal scolds him, leading to a heated exchange where Dharam suggests she should buy the vegetables herself next time.
As the episode progresses, Shakti regains consciousness and expresses her stress about the recent events to Shiv. Shiv reassures her that the forest department has taken the snake away, a decision he made to alleviate her worries. Overhearing their conversation, Mohini is relieved, believing that Shakti’s suspicions about her have been dispelled.
The episode concludes with the tension slightly easing but leaving viewers eagerly awaiting the next developments in the ongoing drama at Kashyap Niwas.